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Funding your studies

The cost of postgraduate study shouldn’t hold you back. There’s never been more funding options available -  from government loans, university scholarships, bursaries and grants to employer sponsorship and working while studying.

Follow our funding guide to see what’s available to help offset the costs of your postgraduate studies.

Government postgraduate and Masters funding for UK applicants

Financial support for Masters, postgraduate and research degrees include postgraduate loans to help with tuition fees and living costs, and Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) to cover the extra costs that might arise if you have a disability.

Visitors at finance and admission stands at our postgraduate open event

Postgraduate Masters loan

Student Finance England provides a non-means-tested loan of up to £12,858 to postgraduate Masters students to contribute towards tuition fees, living costs and other course costs.

The postgraduate loan is paid in three instalments over the duration of your study. You’ll repay the loan when you’ve finished your course and earn over the income threshold. If you also have an undergraduate student loan to repay, you’ll make both repayments at the same time.

Eligibility differs between national student finance services. Refer to your relevant service for further details on how to apply and repay.

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) helps to cover the extra costs you might incur because of a disability, including a long-term health condition, mental health condition, physical disability, or specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or dyspraxia.

Learn more about the DSA

Find out more about postgraduate funding

Find out all you need to know about postgraduate funding with students Matt and Heidi and our financial expert David May. Get advice on how to finance your studies as the panel discusses their first-hand experience of Masters loans, scholarships, budgeting and part-time work. You’ll also find out how our Student Money Team will support you, whether you’re just thinking about applying or are already studying here.


Government-funded postgraduate bursaries

If you’re considering a career in nursing, teacher training or social work, there may be additional funding and support available, such as postgraduate bursaries. These include:

Social work bursaries

Social work bursaries can help with study and living costs and are a none-means-tested grant which don’t have to be paid back. There are a fixed number of postgraduate social work bursaries available for specific qualifying courses.

Check if you’re eligible

Teaching training bursaries

You may be able to apply for a teacher training bursary or scholarship when studying a PGCE. Available funding includes a tax-free bursary or scholarship (subject-based), tuition fee loan and maintenance loan, or additional financial support if you’re a parent or have a disability.

Check which subjects are eligible

Nursing bursaries (Learning Support Fund)

If you’re studying a postgraduate nursing course, you could be eligible for a £5,000 training grant, or additional financial support if you are a parent.

Check if you’re eligible

NTU scholarships, bursaries and discounts

Postgraduate Masters scholarships

NTU offers several university and subject-specific scholarships for UK and international students that are worth up to 50% of your tuition fee. Application deadlines run throughout the year.

Browse our scholarships

International scholarships

View all international scholarships and get advice on managing your money and student support at NTU.

Browse international scholarships

NTU Alumni discount scheme

We offer a 20% discount to most NTU Alumni who enrol on an eligible postgraduate course. Discounts are available on a range of eligible full-time, part-time and distance learning courses.

Learn more about the discount

Funding for PhDs and Professional Doctorates

You may be able to get funding for your research project through an NTU studentship, which includes a fee waiver and living cost stipend. Other external sources such as research councils, government agencies, charities and industry could also provide funding.

Find out more about research fees and funding.

Additional funding and support

There are support options available at NTU for specific personal circumstances and we offer non-financial Music and Sport scholarships.

See what’s available on money, fees and funding.

Earn while you study

With hundreds of opportunities for part-time work in and around the city, we can help you source a role that will allow you to earn while you study. Our online job portal will help you find paid work across Nottingham and our in-house recruitment provider manages all casual work at NTU, with a wide variety of roles, such as student ambassadors.

Explore our careers and employability services

Employer sponsorship

If your postgraduate study could develop your skillset, improve your performance at work or is part of your continuing professional development (CPD), your employer may consider postgraduate sponsorship. Students often receive employer tuition fee contributions for MBAs (Master of Business Administration), professional qualifications, or conversion courses. Speak to your employer to see what support is available.

External funding

A variety of external organisations including governmental agencies, charities and industry also fund postgraduate studies.

Useful links:

Educational trusts and charities

There are many educational trusts and charities that may be able to help with your postgraduate course funding. You can find standard lists of these in most public libraries.

Useful publications:

  • The Charities Digest
  • The Directory of Grant Making Trusts
  • The Guide to Educational Grants
  • The Grants Register

Need advice on how to fund your studies?

Our student finance team are here to help. They can offer guidance on postgraduate fees, loans, and money management.

Email or call +44 (0)115 848 2494.