Clifton Library | Nottingham Trent University
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Clifton Library

Find out about Clifton Library – the ideal learning space for your university experience.

About Clifton Library

Students in Clifton Library

Extensive resources, a wide range of study spaces and award-winning customer service – what more could you need?

Our Clifton Library will become like a second home. That’s why we’ve invested heavily in our collections, facilities and furniture, to ensure that you can learn, develop and enjoy your studies in comfort. Whether you’re looking for a silent study space, or a spot to throw some ideas around, we’ve got you covered!

There’s cheerful modern décor to keep you inspired. You’ll find plenty of PCs and handy power outlets to plug in your own devices. We’ve also expanded our range of learning spaces allowing you to concentrate in quiet comfort or work with course-mates in one of the private group study rooms.

Visit our Library website for a full range of information about borrowing books, digital services, study support, postal loans, self-service laptop loans, visitor access, and our inter-library arrangements.

The perfect place to take a break

Our library’s a thing of beauty but it’s important to give yourself a break every now and then. That's why we offer spaces to social spaces to relax such as the newly-completed Pavilion building at the heart of Clifton Campus.

There you’ll find food and drink facilities, and some very comfortable sofas. Next door, there’s the refurbished Refectory with an impressive lantern roof built to bring in the sunshine and bring your brain back to life.

Need some fresh air? Our brand new plaza is a tranquil outdoor space where you can gather your thoughts in peace. And if you really can’t leave your studies behind, it’s also fully Wi-Fi enabled.

Take a virtual tour

Term-time opening hours

You can access Clifton Library at the following times during term-time:

  • 24 hrs, Monday 8.30 am – Friday 12 am (midnight)
  • Saturday, 9 am - 5 pm
  • Sunday, 9 am - 7 pm

Visit the Library website for opening hours during bank holidays and outside of term-time.

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