The Turing Scheme
Find out more about the UK government funding programme for outgoing study or work abroad activities.
The information on this page applies to the 2024/25 academic year only. The UK government confirmed in January 2025 that the Turing Scheme will continue for 2025/26. Nottingham Trent University will submit an application for funding and is likely to be informed of the outcome in summer 2025. Information for 2025/26 will be added here as it becomes available.
The Turing Scheme is operated by the UK government. It provides funding for students in higher education. It allows them to pursue international opportunities in education, work or training. You could be eligible for a cost-of-living grant. You must be studying, working or training abroad for a period of at least four weeks but no more than a year.
The Turing Scheme funding is in addition to the maintenance loans and tuition loads you receive from Student Finance England. Please note that grants are subject to availability.
Resources and support
Cost of living
The Turing Scheme provides funding towards your cost of living. The amount you receive depends on your destination country or territory, as well as the duration of your placement.
The scheme divides destination countries or territories into two groups.
- Group 1 — high cost of living
- Group 2 — medium and low cost of living
Students on a higher education placement will receive:
1. For study or work placements lasting between four and eight weeks:
- to Group 1 destinations: £133 per week
- to Group 2 destinations: £119 per week
2. For study or work placements lasting over eight weeks to twelve months:
- to Group 1 destinations: £98 per week
- to Group 2 destinations: £84 per week
Extra support for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
If you're a student with SEND, the scheme will fund up to 100% of actual costs for support directly related to your additional needs.
Turing Scheme funding also covers preparatory visits by the sending organisation. This allows it to carry out risk assessments. These help ensure you can equally access and take part in all elements of a placement. Pre-visits can be for a maximum duration of three days. The funding can be used for both learners and accompanying staff. Pre-visits are not available for any other purpose.
The term SEND refers to learners with special educational needs (SEN). This includes those:
- who are in receipt of Disabled Student Allowance, or
- whose SEN arise because they have a long-term disability.
This disability must have a substantial and long-term effect on the ability to do normal everyday tasks. This includes learners who meet one or more of the following:
- having a disability as defined in the Equality Act 2010, for participants from English, Scottish, and Welsh higher education providers, and/or
- having a disability as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995, for participants from Northern Ireland higher education providers.
Please note that funding is subject to application and availability. Students are required to provide receipts for the cost of any additional support before being reimbursed.
Extra support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds
You can receive a higher cost-of-living grant if you are from a disadvantaged background.
The amount of funding you'll receive depends on:
- your destination, and
- the length of your placement.
For study or work placements lasting between four and eight weeks:
- to Group 1 destinations: £161 per week.
- to Group 2 destinations: £147 per week.
For study or work placements lasting over eight weeks to twelve months:
- to Group 1 destinations: £126 per week.
- to Group 2 destinations: £112 per week.
If you're from a disadvantaged background, there's also funding toward direct travel costs. This will support the expense of the round trip. How much you get depends on the distance between the home and destination organisations. Read more on the list of destinations and grant rates.
The scheme will provide financial help towards expensive travel by exception.
You might also be eligible to receive a contribution towards additional travel-related expenses. This include the costs of things like:
- visas
- passports
- health insurance not covered by the NTU Policy.
Please note that funding is subject to application and availability. Receipts for any travel and travel-related expenses must be provided.
Find out more about how the Turing Scheme defines a 'disadvantaged background'.
Application information
Grants are subject to availability. They're based on the actual mobility dates and the destination.
All participating students must submit the grant application on Mobility Online. Unless they have approval to do so retrospectively, they must do this:
- before departure, and
- by the deadline.
The student must:
- complete the International Mobility Agreement (IMA) and risk assessment forms in full
- upload the documents mentioned above to Mobility Online
Some students may undertake two separate periods of study and / or work abroad. If so, they must complete two separate grant application forms. For example:
- students spending two semesters in two different countries
- students doing a study exchange followed by a traineeship or vice versa.
Please ensure to review the Turing Scheme Terms and Conditions before submitting your application. You can also access the Terms and Conditions on Mobility Online.
When to apply
For international opportunities happening in 2024/25 academic year, please contact to check for funding availability.
How to apply for funding
You'll get the International Mobility Agreement (IMA) via Mobility Online once you've applied to study abroad.
When I get my grant
Turing funding comes in two instalments:
- 80% before you travel, upon completion of the required paperwork
- you will receive the remaining amount when you return to the UK and you have submitted the required end of placement paperwork and survey. The amount is calculated using your actual mobility dates.
Students from disadvantaged background will receive their travel grant before departing for their trip.
Repayment of grant
You may have to repay the total or part of the grant if:
- you cancel your placement after receiving your funding
- you return from your placement early.
Bear this in mind if you make any changes to the dates you're studying or working abroad. Get in touch with NTU Global to find out how these changes might affect your funding.
You must complete the risk assessment forms required by the University. If you don't:
- we won't allow you to travel
- you won't receive a grant.
We'll send you the forms after you apply for a period of study or work abroad. Other conditions may also apply.