Pam is Professor of Children, Youth and Community in the Department of Social Work, Care and Community (SWCC), in the School of Social Sciences. Her role is to promote research in the Department and to support colleagues and doctoral researchers. She was previously Reader in Education and Youth Studies at Brunel University London where she taught on the Social Work MA and BA, and the Health Sciences MSc, and before that, was Programme Lead for the Youth & Community Studies MA and director of the Centre for Youth Work Studies.
Career overview
Pam worked in residential care briefly and after a degree in Psychology (with Physiology) at Leicester University, UK, she was a researcher at the University of East London (Children’s Understandings of Family Life project, with Prof Margaret O’Brien), where she attended the Cultural Studies MA and competed her PhD on ‘Fitness to Parent’: Psychology, Knowledge and Popular Debate. She was affiliated to the Discourse Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University, from where Prof Erica Burman supervised her PhD and first publications (collective books: Challenging Women: Psychology’s Exclusions, Feminist Possibilities, OUP 1996 and Psychology, Discourse, Practice: From Regulation to Resistance, Taylor & Francis, 1996).
Pam continued as a contract researcher at London South Bank University (Children’s Understandings of Parental Involvement in Education project, then the Partnered Mothers, Paid Work project, with Prof Rosalind Edwards), and then at Keele University (Sex & Relationship Education Policy Action Research with Prof Miriam David), before lecturing at Greenwich University (in Education and Community Studies), and then for 14 years at Brunel University London (in the Education Dept., then Social Work Division). She served as Departmental Director of Post-graduate Research, Departmental Equality & Diversity Officer, Deputy Leader of the Health & Well-being Research Theme, and on two rounds of Athena Swan self-assessment teams. In 2014 she was awarded the Ken Darby-Dowman Memorial Prize for supporting first-in-family students (experienced youth practitioners but with sometimes few qualifications) to succeed on the Masters in Youth & Community Work. She received BERA's first International Fellowship funding.
Pam has first supervised more than 10 PhDs to completion, is working with eight current doctoral candidates, and having been External Examiner for over 30 PhDs, including three European PhDs in Spain and some in Australia and New Zealand.
Research areas
Pam is a social scientist, researching sexualities and sexual health, gender politics and diversity, parenting, and education for equality with young people, children and the professionals who work with them. She is concerned with qualitative research methods and related ethical challenges, particularly as regards children and young people.
She has managed research projects funded by schools, universities, local authorities and charities and recently led large EU co-funded projects on i) tackling gender-related violence, homophobia and gender normativities – creating training materials for practitioners working with children and young people that are free to download (GAP Work), and ii) on responding to sexual violence in universities (USVreact) (with Prof Alison Phipps) – again with recommendations, best practice and training materials free to download. Before these she collaborated with Dr Gerard Coll Planas to document good practice in tackling homophobia and transphobia across European local authorities (AHEAD Project). These projects have formed strong, lasting collaborative partnership with Spanish, Italian, Greek, Serbian and Hungarian colleagues.
She has researched sexualities education for 20 years, in both formal education (primary and secondary school) and youth work settings, and is co-author of Get Real About Sex: From Politics to Practice (with M.E. David, OUP, 2007), various articles and an edited collection (in the journal Sex Education) about relationships and sex education. She is particularly interested in how different profession groups talk about sex, and has delivered education and training to help practitioners support young people on relationship and sexuality matters.
She co-authored Sociology and the New Materialism (with Nick J Fox, Sage, 2017) and a range of articles in which they explore what new materialist approaches offer environmental or gender issues or sociological research itself. Their articles on the research assemblage (Fox and Alldred 2015; 2017) are among the most read in the International Journal of Social Research Methods.
Pam was lead editor of the Handbook of Youth Work Practices (Sage, 2018, with F. Cullen, K. Edwards and D. Fusco) and worked with youth work/youth development practitioners from around the globe to share their inspired practice.
Opportunities for PhD research in the areas above can be found on the NTU Research Degrees website:
External activity
Pam has delivered invited keynote lectures in Barcelona, Vic, Vigo, Lisbon and Milan, and has spoken at the inaugural conference and subsequent summer schools of SIMREF, a feminist research methods seminar run from Barcelona.
She is co-convenor of the British Sociological Association (BSA) New Materialisms Study Group, (with Prof Nick Fox and Dr Fay Dennis) and co-convened BERA’s Sexualities and Genders Special Interest Group for five years (with Dr Fiona Cullen). She is a Fellow of the HEA.
She has published in peer reviewed academic journals including Sociology, Gender and Education, Cultural Sociology, Environmental Sociology, The Sociological Review Sociological Review Online, Journal of Youth Studies, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, British Journal of the Sociology of Education, Health Education Journal, Public Health, Feminist Review and the International Journal of Social Research Methods. She also values writing in freely available blogs and newsletters such as BERA’s, Discover Society, Anthropocene, Feminist Review’s Open Space. She has edited Special Issues of Sex Education, Sociological Research Online and eight volumes of Feminist Review as a member of the Editorial Collective for 13 years. In this capacity, she initiated and edited the Dialogue/Open Space section, was Book Reviews editor and co-organised Feminist Review’s first annual lecture.
Pam is a member of the Sex Education journal’s editorial board, and has reviewed articles for Gender and Education, Children’s Geographies, British Educational Research Journal, Sexualities, Sexuality & Culture, Social and Cultural Geography, Social Theory & Health, Sociology Compass, Violence Against Women, NORA and the Journal of Bullying Behaviour Prevention, and bids for the ESRC and the Dutch and South African Governments.
Journal Articles
Alam, N. and Alldred, P., (2021) Condoms, trust and stealthing: the meanings attributed to unprotected hetero-sex, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (8): 4257. ISSN 1661-7827
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P., (2021) Bodies, non-human matter and the micropolitical production of sociomaterial dis/advantage, Journal of Sociology, ISSN 1440-7833
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2021) Doing new materialist data analysis: a Spinozo-Deleuzian ethological toolkit Doing new materialist data analysis: a Spinozo-Deleuzian ethological toolkit, International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Swenson, R., Alldred, P. and Nicholls, N. (2021) Doing Gender and Being Gendered Through Occupation: Transgender and Non Binary Experiences, The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 10.1177/03080226211034422
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2020) Re-assemblng climate change policy: Materialism, posthumanism, and the policy assemblage, British Journal of Sociology, DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12734
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2019) Sustainability, feminist posthumanism and the unusual capacities of (post)humans, Environmental Sociology,
Jones, C., Chappell A., and Alldred, P. (2019) Feminist education for university staff responding to disclosures of sexual violence: a critique of the dominant model of staff development, Gender and Education, DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2019.1649639
Alldred, P and Fox, NJ (2019) Assembling Citizenship: Sexualities education, micropolitics and the becoming-citizen, Sociology, 53 (4)
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2018) The Materiality of Memory: Affects, Remembering and Food Decisions, Cultural Sociology, 1-17, DOI: 10.1177/1749975518764864
Fox, N. J. and Alldred, P. (2017) Mixed methods, materialism and the micropolitics of the research-assemblage, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2017.1350015
Alldred, P. and Fox, NJ. (2017) Young bodies, power and resistance: a new materialist perspective, Journal of Youth Studies,
Fox, N. J. and Alldred, P. (2016) Sociology, environment and health: a materialist approach, Public Health, 141: 287-293 doi: 0.1016/j.puhe.2016.09.015
Alldred, P., Fox, N. and Kulpa, R. (2016) Engaging parents with sex and relationship education: A UK primary school case study, Health Education Journal.
Alldred, P. and Biglia, B. (2015) Gender-Related Violence and Young People: An overview of Italian, Irish, Spanish, UK and EU legislation, Children & Society, 29 (6)
Alldred, P. and Fox, N.J. (2015) The sexuality-assemblages of young men: a new materialist analysis, Sexualities, 18 (8)
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2015) Inside the research-assemblage: new materialism and the micropolitics of social inquiry, Sociological Research Online, 20, 2, May 2015, ISSN: 1360-7804. 20 (2)
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2014) New materialist social inquiry: designs, methods and the research-assemblage. International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Fox, N. J. and Alldred, P. (2013) ‘The Sexuality-Assemblage: Desire, Affect, Anti-humanism, Sociological Review, (4) 769–789, DOI: 10.1111/1467-954X.12075
Alldred, P. (2011) How Come I Fell Pregnant?: Young Mothers’ Narratives of Conception, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 16 (2) p139-156.
Barker, J, Alldred, P, Watts, M, Dodman, H. (2010) Pupils or Prisoners? Institutional Geographies and Internal Exclusion in UK Secondary Schools Area, 42 (2) (Published Online: Jan 14 2010). DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4762.2009.00932.x
Alldred, P., David, M. and Smith, P. (2003) Teachers’ Views of Teaching Sex Education: Pedagogies and Models of Delivery, Journal of Educational Enquiry, Vol. 4 (1) p80-96.
Duncan, S., Edwards, R., Reynolds, T. and Alldred, P. (2003a) Mothers and Childcare: policies, values and theories, Children & Society, Published online Nov 03, then in paper Volume 18 (2004) p254-265.
Duncan, S., Edwards, R., Reynolds, T. and Alldred, P. (2003b) Motherhood, Paid Work and Partnering: Values and Theories, Work, Employment and Society, 17 (2) p309-330.
David, M., Edwards, R. and Alldred, P. (2001) Children and School-based Research: ‘informed consent’ or ‘educated consent’, British Educational Research Journal, 27 (3) p247-265. Impact factor 0.711
Edwards, R. and Alldred, P (2000) A Typology of Parental Involvement in Education Centring on Children and Young People: Negotiating Familialisation, Institutionalisation and Individualisation, British Journal of the Sociology of Education, 21, p435-455. Impact factor 0.851
Edwards, R. and Alldred, P. (1999b) Children and Young People’s Views of Social Research: The case of research on home-school relations, Childhood: a global journal of child research 6 (2) p261-281.
Alldred, P. (1998b) Making a Mockery of Family Life? Lesbian Mothers in the British Media, special issue Journal of Lesbian Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 4 (Fall). (Also published in G. A. Dunne (ed.) Living “Difference”: Lesbian Perspectives on Work and Family Life, New York: The Haworth Press, Inc., and Harrington Park Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press Inc.)
Alldred, P. (2002) Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Women Activists’ Accounts, Feminist Review, 70 (Special issue on Globalisation) p149-163. Impact factor 0.333.
Editorial Chapters
Treacher, A., Pai, H-H., Khalili, L. and Alldred, P. (2008) The Gendered Embroilments of War, Editorial Introduction to Feminist Review 88, 1-6, special issue on War (Spring). doi:10.1057/
Alldred, P. (2004) Preface to Post-communism: women’s lives in transition, Special Issue edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, Feminist Review 76, p1.
Alldred, P., Bland, L., Treacher, A., Alexander, C. and Coombes, A. (2003) Editorial Introduction to Special Issue: Exile and Asylum: Women Refugees in Fortress Europe, Feminist Review, 73, p1-4.
Alldred, P., Crowley, H. and Rupal, R. (2001) Editorial Introduction to Women and Mental Health, special issue of Feminist Review, 68, p1-5
Books and Reports
Alldred, P., Cullen, F., Fusco, D. and Edwards, K. (2018) (eds) Handbook of Youth Work Practice, Sage.
Alldred, P. and Phipps, A. (2018) Training to Respond to Sexual Violence at European Universities: Final Report of the USVreact Project,
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2016) Sociology and the New Materialism. London: Sage.
Alldred et al (2014) Training Professionals to Tackle Gender Related Violence - Final Report of the GAP Work Project,
Alldred, P. (2012) ‘Homophobia, homonormativity and being “a good woman”: Obstacles to Good Sex Education’. Editorial Introduction to Special Issue of Sex Education on Obstacles to Good Sex Education: International Perspectives, Sex Education, 12 (4) p375-381 (Taylor & Francis)
Coll-Planas, G. (coord.) (2011) Combating Homophobia: Local Policies for Equality on the grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. A European White Paper, Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona: Direccio Drets Civils.
Alldred, P. (2010) Editor, Feminist Review, 94 (non themed issue). ISSN: 0141-7789
EISSN: 1466-4380. 2008 Impact Factor 0.407 (Thomson-Reuters 2009).
Alldred, P., Maddocks, K. and Brackenridge, C. (2008) Sexual Orientation & Football: Review of Research & Policy Literature, Report to the Football Association (April 08).
Brackenridge, C.H., Alldred, P., Rivers, I., Jarvis, A., and Maddocks, K. (2008) A Review of Sexual Orientation in Sport. Edinburgh: Sportscotland.
Barker, J., Alldred, P., Watts, M. and Dodman, H. (2008) An Evaluation of the Seclusion Unit for Stockley Academy, Draft Report delivered Aug 08).
Alldred, P. (2007) Teenage Pregnancy Strategy: Local Partners’ Views: Final Report to the Teenage Pregnancy Strategic Board, London Borough of Hillingdon.
Alldred, P. and David, M. E. (2007) ‘Get Real About Sex’: The Politics and Practice of Sex Education, Buckingham: Open University Press.
David, M., Alldred, P. and Smith, P. (2002) ‘Get real about sex’: Linking Sex and Relationship Education to the Achievement Agenda: Report on the SREPAR project to Stoke-on-Trent LEA, Keele: Keele University.
Edwards, R, Duncan, S. Alldred, P and Reynolds, T. (2003) Parenting, Partnering and Paid Work: Policies, Values and Theories, Working Paper 31, Centre for Research on Family, Kinship and Childhood, University of Leeds.
Chapters in Books
Cullen, F., Barker, J. and Alldred, P. (2019) ”Trying to keep up”: Intersections of identity, space, time and rhythm in women student carer auto/biographical accounts, In: Palgrave Macmillan Book of Auto/biography. Parsons, J. and Chappell, A. eds. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Alldred, P. and N.J. Fox (2018) Sexualities education and sexual citizenship: A materialist approach, in Aggleton, P. et al (editors) Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship, Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Alldred, P. (2017) Sites of good practice: how do education, health and youth work spaces shape sex education? In Sanjakdar, F. and Yip, A. (eds) Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education, and Young People. New York: Peter Lang.
Guizzo, G., Alldred, P and Foradada, M. (2017) Lost in Translation? Comparative and international work on gender-related violence, in N. Lombardo (ed.) Reader in Gender Based Violence, Ashgate.
Alldred, P. and Fox, N.J. (2017) Materialism, micropolitics and the sexuality-assemblages of young men In: King, A., Santos, A.C. and Crowhurst, I. (eds.) Sexualities Research: Critical Interjections, Diverse Methodologies and Practical Applications. London: Routledge.
Alldred, P. and Fox, N.J. (2016) Materialism and micropolitics in sexualities education research. In: Allen, L. and Rasmussen, M.L. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education. London: Palgrave.
Alldred, P. and Fox, N.J. (2017) Teenagers, sexualities-education assemblages and sexual citizenship: a new materialist analysis, in Kamp A. & McSharry, M. (eds) Re/Assembling the Pregnant and Parenting Teenager: Narratives from the Field, Peter Lang. Open
Fox, N.J. and Alldred, P. (2016) The resisting young body. In: Coffey, J., Budgeon, S. and Cahill, H. (eds.) Learning Bodies: The Body in Youth and Childhood Studies, Singapore: Springer-Verlag.
Alldred, P. and Fox, N.J. (2015) From ‘Lesbian and Gay Psychology’ to a Critical Psychology of Sexualities. In: Parker, I. (ed.) Handbook of Critical Psychology, London: Routledge. [ISBN: 978-1-84872-218-7] [Link:]
Barker, J. and Alldred, P. (2011) Documentary and Secondary Analysis, in S. Bradford and F. Cullen (eds) Research Methods for Youth Practitioners, Routledge.
Alldred, P. & David, M. (2010) ‘What’s Important At The End of The Day?’ Young Mothers’ Values and Policy Presumptions in Duncan, S., Edwards, R. and Alexander, C. (eds) Teenage parenting - what’s the problem? London: Tufnell Press.
Alldred, P. and Miller, T. (2007) Measuring what we value or valuing what we measure? The RAE and academic knowledge production, in V. Gillies and H. Lucey (eds)Power, Knowledge and the Academy: Exploring the Institutional and Personal Dynamics of Research, London: Sage.
Gillies, V and Alldred, P. (2007) Making the ‘Right’ Connections: ‘Knowledge’ and Power in Academic Networking in V. Gillies and H. Lucey (eds) Power, Knowledge and the Academy: Exploring the Institutional and Personal Dynamics of Research,London: Sage.
Alldred, P. and Burman, E. (2005) Hearing and Interpreting Children’s Voices: A Discourse Analytic Approach, in S. M. Greene and D. M. Hogan (eds) Researching Children’s Experience: Approaches and Methods, London: Sage.
Alldred, P., David, M. and Edwards, R. (2002) Minding the Gap: Children and Young People Negotiating Relations Between Home and School, in R. Edwards (ed.) Children, Home and School: Regulation, Autonomy or Connection? London: RoutledgeFalmer Press, p121-137.
Alldred, P. and Gillies, V. (2002) Eliciting Research Accounts: Producing Modernist Subjects, in Mauthner, M. et al (eds) Ethics in Qualitative Research, London: Sage.
Gillies, V. and Alldred, P. (2002) The Ethics of Intention: Using research as a political tool, in Mauthner, M. et al (eds) Ethics in Qualitative Research, London: Sage.
Alldred, P. (1999) Not Making a Virtue of a Necessity: Nancy Fraser on Postsocialist Politics, in T. Jordan and A. Lent (eds) Storming the Millennium: The New Politics of Change, London: Lawrence & Wishart.
Alldred, P. (1998a) Ethnography and Discourse Analysis: Dilemmas in Representing the Voices of Children, in Ribbens, J. and Edwards, R. (eds) Feminist Dilemmas in Qualitative Research: Public Knowledge and Private Lives, London: Sage.
Alldred, P. (1996a) ‘Fit to Parent?’ Developmental Psychology and ‘Non traditional families’, in E. Burman, P. Alldred, C. Bewley, B. Goldberg, C. Heenan, D. Marks, J. Marshall, K. Taylor, R. Ullah, S. Warner, Challenging Women: Psychology’s Exclusions, Feminist Possibilities, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Alldred. P. (1996b) Whose expertise? Conceptualizing resistance to advice about childrearing, in E. Burman, G. Aitken, P. Alldred, R. Allwood, T. Billington, B. Goldberg, A.J. Gordo-Lopez, C. Heenan, D. Marks and S. Warner Psychology, Discourse and Social Practices: From Regulation to Resistance, London: Taylor and Francis.
O'Brien, M., Alldred, P. and Jones, D. (1996) Children’s Constructions of Family and Kinship, in J. Brannen and M. O'Brien (eds) Children in Families: Research and Policy, London: Falmer Press.