Andromachi Tseloni (Professor) | Nottingham Trent University
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Andromachi Tseloni

Andromachi Tseloni


School of Social Sciences

Staff Group(s)
Criminology and Criminal Justice


Professor Tseloni is Professor of Quantitative Criminology with expertise in victimisation theory, applied social statistics and econometrics. Her work revolves around five broad themes: criminal victimisation inequalities, the crime drop, crime perceptions' social capital and cross-national comparisons.

Her current role involves leading the Quantitative and Spatial Criminology Research Group; supporting research – related activities in the Division and the School; and working on research projects informing crime prevention and community policing.

Career overview

Professor Tseloni joined the School of Social Sciences in September 2015, having previously taught at a number of institutions, including the University of Maryland, College Park, USA (1997-2001); the University of the Aegean, Lesvos (2001-2002), and the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki (2002-2007), Greece; and in the UK the University of Manchester (1992-1995), University of Hull (1995-1997), Nottingham Trent University (2007-2013) and Loughborough University (2013-2015).

She has taught a variety of applied social research quantitative methods modules, especially at postgraduate level, as well as criminological theory, crime prevention and victimisation modules at undergraduate level.

Prior to her Ph.D. on 'Modelling Threats in England and Wales' which she completed in 1994, at the Department of Econometrics and Social Statistics, University of Manchester, with full financial support from the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece, she worked at the National Accounts Directorate of the National Statistical Service of Greece (1987-1990).

Research areas

Andromachi's research - published in academic journals, edited books, chapters and reports - revolves around five broad themes: criminal victimisation inequalities, the crime drop, crime perceptions, social capital and cross-national comparisons.

In particular, her research on criminal victimisation inequalities and falling crime rates has influenced the way victimisation is conceptualised, measured and analysed and it informs successful crime reduction / prevention policies. Her recent book, co-authored with Professor Ken Pease (UCL), deals with individual and contextual protective and risk factors of single and repeat criminal victimisation. Using modelling to predict and prevent victimisation (Springer, 2014)  reflects the practical application of her work on individual and contextual factors influencing crime inequalities.

Her collaborative research on the crime drop has offered fresh insights for crime prevention and methodology for evaluating the impact of security on crime. Her earlier book The International Crime Drop: New Directions in Research (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012) which she co-edited with Professor Jan van Dijk (Tilburg University) and Professor Graham Farrell (University of Leeds) outlines this perspective on the crime drop.

She has recently led:

She has recently contributed to:

  • Knowledge Transfer Partnership with the Nottingham Crime and Drugs Partnership and the Nottingham Police and Crime Commissioner on Shop-theft (2014-2017). This explores the responsiveness of the retail sector to shop-theft, offender profiles and risk profiles (area- and retail sector-specific) with regards to shop-theft.
  • The East Midlands Police Academic Collaboration (EMPAC) Projects on Local and Community Policing (2015-2017), examining in particular Anti-Social Behaviour issues.

Andromachi's research focuses on analysing survey, notably cross-national crime surveys and the Crime Survey for England and Wales, data to investigate the effects of individual and contextual factors on crime frequency, risk and perceptions. She employs Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) and hierarchical / multilevel statistical modelling to, respectively, account for the latent nature of the criminological and social variables under question and the ecological fallacy problem, which is common in social research.

Her research findings inform crime prevention agencies, including the police, local authorities, Crime Reduction and Safety Partnerships, neighbourhood watch, victim support and other crime and justice agencies, housing authorities, manufacturers and consumers of security products, manufacturers of hot (vulnerable to crime) products, the building, insurance and drinking and dancing establishments industries and crime-concerned individuals and households at large.

Read her latest reports

External activity

Andromachi's prior activities include:

  • external examiner on BSc and MSc Programmes and PhD candidates
  • participating in numerous national and international conference-organising committees
  • recruitment /promotion committees
  • guest editor of special issues of academic journals
  • participating in crime prevention workshops / conferences of the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network and various local Crime Reduction and Safety Partnerships

Her current service includes:

  • serving on the editorial boards of leading criminological journals
  • regularly peer reviewing submitted manuscripts to academic journals
  • peer reviewing research proposals to research councils.

Academic committees

  • 2010 to date Crime and Justice Statistics Network, Working Group of the British Society of Criminology; co-opted Royal Statistical Society (Vice Chair 2010-2013, Chair 2013-2015)
  • 2013 to date Executive Committee Member, British Society of Criminology.
  • 2015 to date Treasurer, and Finance and General Purposes Committee Member, British Society of Criminology.

Editorial boards

  • 2008 to date Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
  • 2009 to date Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
  • 2012 to date European Journal of Policing Studies.
  • 2012 to date European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.
  • 2012 to date International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.
  • 2012 to date Eγκληματολογία [Criminology], Αθήνα: Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη [Athens: Law Library].
  • 2014 to date Associate Editor, Statistical Editor, Crime Science Journal

Outreach Activities

  • 2012 to 2013 and 2015 to date Board Member, Nottingham Crime and Drugs Partnership
  • 2016 to date Domestic Violence Data Group, Nottingham Crime and Drugs Partnership
  • 2016 to date Sexual Offences Data Group, Nottingham Crime and Drugs Partnership

Sponsors and collaborators


American Statistical Association, Committee on Law and Justice Statistics
Repeat victimised individuals and households: Hierarchical modelling of the 1994 National Crime Victimisation Survey;

Humberside Police
Comparison between British Crime Survey and Police recorded crime estimates in Humberside. (Dr Davidson)


National Institute of JusticeExtending Findings from repeat victimization: Understanding the Nexus. (Dr Weisner)


Research and Statistics Directorate, Home OfficePostcode sector predictions of crime rates, fear and disorder based on the 2000 British Crime Survey and Census area characteristics. and Hierarchical modelling of crime rates drawn from the 2000 British Crime Survey


ARHIMIDIS, Ministry of Education, Greece and European Commission
Violence against women and social support networks in Crete. (Dr Chatzifotiou)


PYTHAGORAS II, Ministry of Education, Greece and European Commission
Social security reform and mental health needs in rural areas of the North Aegean region. (Dr Zissi and Dr Skapinakis);

University of Macedonia, Greece, Small Grants ProgrammeBivariate zero-inflated Poisson modelling of personal and property crimes in England and Wales;

Metropolitan Police
External and Internal Disproportionality in the Metropolitan Police Service. (Dr Matravers)


ESRC (ES/F015186/1)Sustaining the Crime Drop in Industrialised Nations: A Crime-Specific Problem-Solving Approach. (Prof. Farrell, Prof. Tilley, Ms Mailley)


IMPACT Research, Innovation and Knowledge Partnerships, NTU (Dr Goatcher);

Railway Safety Standards Board
Improving suicide prevention measures on the rail network in Great Britain. (Dr Brown, Miss Evans)


ESRC-SDAI Phase 1 (ES/K003771/1)
Which burglary security devices work for whom and in what context? (Dr Grove, Prof. Farrell, Prof. Tilley, Miss Thompson, Miss Evans, Dr Nimo)


Nottingham Crime and Drugs Partnership and NTU School Research Funding
Funding for international conference on ‘Perspectives on Substance Abuse: Should cannabis be legalised?’


ESRC-KTP (KTP009423)
Identifying the real volume of shop-theft, evaluating which security devices work best across retail sub-sectors/areas, and developing risk profiles to inform policy decisions/responses. (Dr Hunter, Dr Hamilton, Miss Garius);

ESRC-SDAI Phase 2 (ES/L014971/1)
‘What is the role of population group- and context- specific changes in personal security and routine activities in explaining the decline in stranger and acquaintance violence?’ (Prof. Farrell, Prof. Tilley, Dr Garius, Dr Thompson, Dr Ganpat)


Life skills Education‘Evaluation of DARE education in East Midlands’ (Dr Evans);

College of Policing, HEFCE and the Home Office Police Knowledge Fund
EMPAC, Local and Community Policing (Prof. Holdaway, Dr Thompson, Dr Hunter, Mr Ashby).


Recent Publications

  • Farrell, G., Tilley, N. and Tseloni, A. (2016) Signature dish: Triangulation from data signatures to explore the role of security in falling crime. Methodological Innovation, 9: 1-11. Open Access:
  • Hunter, J. and Tseloni, A. (2016) Equity, justice and the crime drop: The case of burglary in England and Wales. Crime Science. 5(3). Open Access:
  • Tseloni, A. and Tilley, N. (2016) Choosing and using statistical sources in Criminology – What can the Crime Survey for England and Wales tell us? Legal Information Management, 16, 78-90. Cambridge University Press.

See all of Andromachi Tseloni (Professor)'s publications...

Press expertise

  • Anti-social behaviour - risk and protective factors of experiencing / witnessing ASB; experiencing / witnessing ASB and crime victimisation
  • Domestic burglary - trends; risk and protective factors of being burgled; most effective anti-burglary security devices
  • Car crime - trends; most effective security devices
  • Crime concentration and criminal victimisation inequalities
  • Crime drop
  • Crime prevention
  • Crime rates
  • Crime statistics and crime surveys - national crime surveys; international crime survey; police recorded crime
  • Crime victimisation - risk and protective factors of being victimised; repeat victimisation
  • Crimes against the person - risk and protective factors of personal victimisation; link to prior victimisation
  • Cross-national comparisons
  • Democratization and crime
  • Fear of crime - measurements; risk and protective factors; link to crime victimisation; link to perceived disorders
  • Measuring crime (see crime statistics and crime surveys)
  • Perceived disorders - risk and protective factors; link to crime victimisation; link to fear of crime
  • Property crimes (burglary, household theft, car crime, criminal damage) - risk and protective factors of victimisation by property crimes; link to prior victimisation
  • Social capital and community cohesion - concepts; measurements; link to crime and crime perception; link to mental health
  • Violence - trends; risk and protective factors of experiencing violence by acquaintances; risk and protective factors of experiencing violence by strangers; drug abuse and violence victimisation
  • Youth offending / delinquency and victimisation