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Richard Emes

Richard Emes

Pro Vice-Chancellor Research & International



As PVC Research and International, Richard is responsible for the leadership of a compelling strategy to deliver a step change in research activity and improvement of the international student experience. This includes leadership of the University's international partnership strategy, responsibility for the investment of funds to build continued success and preparation for national assessment exercises. His international responsibility is to deliver an exceptional student experience for international students at NTU and to provide both in-country and virtual international opportunities for all NTU students.

Richard is a trustee of the John Van Geest Cancer Research Charity and Chair of the Medical Technologies Innovation Facility Board. Nationally, he is a member of the East Midlands Combined County Authority Innovation Advisory Board to the Mayor and assisting in the development of the regional Inclusive Growth Plan; Chair of the UK Researcher Development Concordat Strategy Group developing the UK concordat for researchers in partnership with national funders, industry and academia and Chair of the UKRI-BBSRC Transformative Technologies Strategic Advisory Panel providing insight, horizon scanning and policy advice to UKRI.

Career overview

Richard has held various research leadership roles including most recently school director of research and associate PVC Research and Knowledge Exchange at the University of Nottingham.

Research areas

Richard is a scientist with over 20 years specialism in bioinformatics. He worked on various large-scale genome projects at the MRC Functional Genomics Unit Oxford University and Sanger Institute Cambridge. He later held an MRC Fellowship in Bioinformatics at UCL looking at how evolution shaped the genomes of pathogens. Research in his lab focuses on the integration of genetic/ genomic data and the development of methods and software to analyse these data.

External activity

Richard is an elected fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and Linnean Society of London. He is a member of the strategic advisory panel for BBSRC has served as chair for a number of UKRI funding panels.