Rebecca teaches on the LLM modules Artificial Intelligence: Legal Aspects and Corporate Insolvency. She also supervises several PhD students and undergraduate research projects. She is the Co-Director of the Centre for Business and Insolvency Law and has been an active member of the Centre for many years. She is the leader of the research network Mapping Grey Areas in International Legal Approaches to The Failure of Crypto Firms, which is sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Career overview
Rebecca became an academic after studying for a PhD at the University of Manchester (1995-1997). Her thesis was on avoidable transactions in insolvency law and it was supervised by Professor David Milman. Before joining NTU she was a lecturer and then senior lecturer at the University of Leicester (1997-2007). She joined NTU in 2007 and has since published widely in various aspects of insolvency law and latterly in law and technology.
Research areas
Rebecca's main research interests lie in the area of insolvency law and, in particular, international and comparative insolvency law with a focus on the UK, the USA, the EU, India and China. She is interested in the intersection of technology and commercial law, including the regulatory framework needed to support digital economies and the use of artificial intelligence. She has interests in related areas of company law, notably directors' duties and director disqualification, as well as in insolvent partnerships and individuals.
External activity
Rebecca is a member of the Insolvency Service’s Stakeholder Group.
Sponsors and collaborators
Past and present research collaborators include:
- District Judge Abbas Mithani
- Professor David Milman, Lancaster University
- Haizheng Zhang, Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Qingxiu Bu, Cardiff University
- Katarzyna Gromek-Broc, University of York
- Benhajj Masoud, Open University of Tanzania
- Yingxiang Long, Hunan University
- Risham Garg, National Law University Delhi
Previous grants include:
- European Commission Framework Programme for Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters, approximately £4627, in partnership with professors from Foggia University, Valencia University and Klaipeda University
- Society of Legal Scholars, £417, China's Corporate Rescue Laws, A European Perspective
- British Academy Overseas Travel Award, £300, China's Corporate Rescue Laws, A European Perspective
- Marie Curie Fellowship for the Transfer of Knowledge, stipend plus travel and accommodation expenses, Zentrum für Europäsische Rechtpolitik Universität Bremen
- Centro Studi di Diritto Fallimentare e Societario - Cosenza (Italy), travel and expenses, Crisi d’Impresa e Procedure Concorsuali in Italia e in Europa
- Insolvency Lawyers Association, £5000, research into transaction avoidance in insolvency, jointly with Prof D Milman
- University of Manchester Centre for Law and Business, £1000, jointly with Prof D Milman
Parry, R. and Zhao, J., 2021. Zombie companies in China: policies of creative destruction and their implementation. Corporate and Business Law Journal, 2, pp. 371-409.
Parry, R., 2021. An assessment of UK insolvency laws in the light of new ways of working in the era of COVID-19. International Corporate Rescue, 18 (2). ISSN 1572-4638
Zhao, J., Wen, S., Parry, R. and Wei, C., 2021. Eliminating zombie companies through insolvency law in China: striking a balance between market-oriented policies and government intervention. Asia Pacific Law Review, 29 (2), pp. 264-286. ISSN 1019-2557
Parry, R., Zhang, H. and Fu, J., 2021. Personal insolvency in China: necessities, difficulties and possibilities. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 46 (2), pp. 517-571. ISSN 0740-4824
Parry, R. and Long, Y., 2020. China's Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, building an infrastructure towards a market-based approach. The Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 20 (1), pp. 157-178. ISSN 1473-5970
Parry, R. and Bisson, R., 2020. Legal approaches to management of the risk of cloud computing insolvencies. Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 20 (2), pp. 421-451. ISSN 1473-5970
Parry, R. and Gwaza, S., 2019. Is the balance of power in UK insolvencies shifting? Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law e-Journal, 7. ISSN 2053-1648
Parry, R. and Nan, G., 2018. The future direction of China's cross-border insolvency laws, related issues and potential problems. International Insolvency Review, 27 (1), pp. 5-31. ISSN 1180-0518
Zhang, H., Parry, R. and Cheng, X., 2016. An exploration of the independent director system in China: problems and solutions. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 27 (8), pp. 253-262. ISSN 0958-5214
Burdette, D., Parry, R. and Walters, A., 2010. The global financial crisis and the call for reform of insolvency law systems. Insolvency and Restructuring International, pp. 13-17. ISSN 1468-3180
Parry, R. and Zhang, H., 2009. Is UK insolvency law failing struggling companies? Nottingham Law Journal, 18 (2), pp. 42-52. ISSN 0965-0660
Parry, R. and Zhang, H., 2008. China's new corporate rescue laws: perspectives and principles. Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 8 (1), pp. 113-141. ISSN 1473-5970
Parry, R., 2005. Floating charges over book debts. King's College Law Journal, 16 (2), pp. 347-356. ISSN 0961-5768
Parry, R., 2005. The position of family sureties within the framework of protection for consumer debtors in European Union Member States. European Review of Private Law, 13 (3), pp. 357-381. ISSN 0928-9801