Alex is the Head of Postgraduate Portfolio at Nottingham Law School, encompassing the Legal Practice Course, the Barristers Training Course, the Postgraduate Diploma in Law and the Academic Masters.
Career overview
Prior to taking on the role of Head of Postgraduate Programmes, Alex has had a number of different roles in NLS since joining in 2012. In 2017 she was made a Principal Lecturer and Course Leader for the Academic Masters Programmes. Most recently, she was Deputy Head of the Postgraduate Portfolio. Prior to joining NLS, Alex was a senior lecturer at the University of Westminster, where she taught Company Law and Employment Law. Alex was awarded a full scholarship from the University of Leicester and successfully completed her PhD there in 2011.The focus of her thesis is on European Corporate Insolvency Law and offers an analysis of the corporate rescue laws of France, Greece and the United Kingdom.
Research areas
Alex’s main research interest is in the area of: European and international insolvency law, in particular, corporate rescue, and comparative law.
External activity
Alex is an active member of a number of professional associations including:
Member of the Academic Group of INSOL International (2009-present), and INSOL Europe Academic Forum (2009-present); member of the INSOL Younger Academics Network (YAN); Society of Legal Scholars (2007-present); Socio-Legal Studies Association (2012-present); Academic member of the Insolvency Lawyers Association.
Sponsors and collaborators
Alex has received a number of travel grants from INSOL Europe in support of attending and presenting her research at INSOL conferences.
She has collaborated with fellow academics both outside and within Nottingham Law School. These collaborations resulted in subsequent publications. In 2015 she collaborated with Stef Vulings, a student doing the LLM Corporate and Insolvency Law (Dual Award with Radboud University Nijmegen). As part of this collaboration, Alex and Stef were invited to present their research at a conference and recently the research paper was accepted by the International Insolvency Review, which is a leading journal in the field of insolvency law.
Chapter Contributions:
‘Reforms in Adverse Economic Climates – How reforms take place in the Eurozone’, (Co-authors: Prof. Catarina Serra, Dr Gulia Vallar), (2020) Elgar.
‘An overview of the pre-insolvency procedures in the United Kingdom and South Africa’, (Co-author: Dr Lezelle Jacobs), in Adriaanse, J., & van der Rest, J. P., The Routledge Companion to Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy (2017) Routledge, pp.290-306.
‘Prepacks – no evil is without good: A comparative analysis of pre-pack sales in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands’ (Co-author: Stef Vullings) (2018) vol.27, issue 3, International Insolvency Review.
‘Benchmarking Insolvency Practice Frameworks: The Challenge of Creating Norms’, (Co-authors: Dr Paul Omar & Dr David Burdette, (2017), in Harmonisation of European Insolvency Law (Papers from the INSOL Europe Academic Forum Annual Conference Cascais, Portugal, 21-22 September 2016), INSOL Europe technical booklet.
‘The Impact of Austerity in the Framework of Corporate Rescue and the Rights of Workers in the EU: A Road to Recovery?, (Co-author: Dr Jennifer Longstreet Gant), (2017) Volume 26, Issue 2, International Insolvency Review, 176-203
‘‘Comparative Analysis of the Informal Pre-Insolvency Procedures of the UK and France’, International Insolvency Review, (2016) International Insolvency Review, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 163–244.
‘The Role of Directors in Corporate Rescue in France and the United Kingdom: An Overview’, Nottingham Insolvency & Business Law electronic Journal, 2015 (3) 25.