Matt is the Deputy Director at the Nottingham Institute of Education, one of the country's foremost providers of initial teacher training, and a recognised centre for the study of education and childhood. He is responsible for leading various aspects of our activities. He develops our collaborative partnerships with trusts, schools, colleges and other settings, as we work together to develop professionals, reduce inequality, and expand our knowledge through research. He teaches and supervises students on our MA course.
Career overview
After completing an MA in Applied Social Research, Matt worked for over ten years within two Local Education Authorities, leading on statistical analysis, policy, planning and performance. He was subsequently Director of Impact, Evaluation and Performance at the National College for School Leadership (subsequently, the National College for Teaching and Leadership), where his responsibilities included commissioning evaluations, diversifying school leadership and analysing the labour market. He joined NTU in 2013 as Head of Education Partnerships before becoming the Deputy Director within our Institute.
Research areas
Matt's research interests include school leadership, the teacher and school leader labour markets, education policy, the status of teaching, and school partnerships within the changing structure of the school and college sector.
External activity
Matt has been chair of the Management Forum of the University Council for the Education of Teachers, and a member of its Executive Committee. He remains closely involved with national developments in teacher education, most recently as a member of a number of teacher apprenticeship trailblazer groups. He was a school governor for over ten years.
GREANY, T., GU, Q., HANDSCOMB, G., VARLEY, M., MANNERS, P. and DUNCAN, S., (2014) School-university partnerships: fulfilling the potential National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE).
GU, Q., REA, S., SMETHEM, L., DUNFORD, J., VARLEY, M., SAMMONS, P., PARISH, N., ARMSTRONG, P. and POWELL, L., (2016) Teaching schools evaluation: Final Report Department for Education.