Dr Taylor teaches Creative Writing and English. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students and supervises a number of PhD creative /critical writing candidates. He is course leader for the BA (Hons) Creative Writing programme.
Dr Taylor is a published poet, critic and an editor. He is a member of NTU’s Centre for Travel Writing Studies and a member of the NTU Critical Poetics Group. Dr Taylor is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Visit his personal website or follow him on Twitter.
Career overview
Dr Taylor previously taught at Edge Hill University where he was founder member of the Poetry and Poetics Research Group. He studied for his BA in English and MA in Creative Writing at Edge Hill University. His PhD - thesis title: A Poetry of Place, the Flâneur and Adrian Henri - was awarded by Lancaster University.
Research areas
Dr Taylor's recent research has been into the work and practice of the Liverpool poet and artist Adrian Henri, that resulted in the first monograph to be published on Henri: Adrian Henri: A Critical Reading (London: Greenwich Exchange, 2019). Other research interests include experimental poetry, poetics, conceptual writing and the Beat Generation. Further research interests include eco-poetics and travel writing. He edited, in two volumes, the Collected Poems of acclaimed Welsh poet, Peter Finch, (Cardiff: Seren Books, 2022). He is currently working on a monograph on Finch’s work.
External activity
Dr Taylor is a co-editor at Liverpool based poetry journal, erbacce and its associated publishing house, erbacce-Press. ( He is editor of the blogzine M58. Dr Taylor reviews poetry in magazines such as Orbis, The Ofi Press and The Journal.
Sponsors and collaborators
Dr Taylor has collaborated with Edward Chell, Reader in Fine Art at University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury; Welsh based artist, Julie Jones; Spanish based poet, Charlie Baylis and the musician and writer, Nick Power.
Northangerland (Nottingham: Leafe Press) 2022
Peter Finch Collected Poems (Cardiff: Seren Books) (editor; two volumes) Vol 1 ISBN 9781781726716 Vol 2 ISBN 9781781726709
Not There-Here (Bristol: Shearsman Books) 2021 ISBN:9781848617872
Silo (High Peak: The Red Ceilings Press) 2021
Empire (Nottingham: M58 Communications) 2020
Adrian Henri: A Critical Reading (London: Greenwich Exchange) 2019 ISBN: 9781910996287
Lowdeine Chronicles (with Nick Power) (Liverpool: erbacce Press) 2019 ISBN: 9781912455072
at first it felt like flying (with Charlie Baylis) (Beaworthy: Indigo Dreams) 2019 ISBN: 9781910834992
Aire (High Peak: The Red Ceilings Press) 2018
15.11.13. – 5.2.14 (Leeds: Stranger Press) 2018 ISBN: 9780244626822
The 140’s (Nottingham: Leafe Press) 2018 ISBN: 9781999945107
March (Bristol: Shearsman Books) 2017 ISBN: 9781848615052
The Liverpool Warehousing Co. Ltd. (Manchester: zimZalla) 2016
Air Vault (Hunstanton: Oystercatcher Press) 2016 ISBN: 9781905885954
Future Dust (Maryport: Original Plus) 2015 ISBN: 9780993118616