Trauma, Social Isolation and Mental Health (TSIMH)
Unit(s) of assessment: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Research theme(s): Health Innovation
School: School of Social Sciences
The mission of the Trauma, Social Isolation and Mental Health (TSIMH) group is to improve the psychological wellbeing of and support for individuals with experiences of trauma, social exclusion and psychological distress (ranging from traumatic experiences in refugees and staff in the emergency services, homelessness to mental illness, for example eating disorder and bipolar disorder). This is structured around some of the key principles of NTU’s Health and Wellbeing theme: we explore social events and pathologies that influence healthy development in people’s mind and body, in the wider context of communities and society.
- Emmanuel House Daycentre for people who are homeless
- Services for Empowerment and Advocacy
- Improving Lives
- University of Ulster
- University of Nottingham
- University of California, San Francisco
- University of Bern
- Umea University
Related staff
- Patel, N., Kellezi, B., & Williams, A. C. D. C. (2014). Psychological, social and welfare interventions for psychological health and well‐being of torture survivors. The Cochrane Library.
- Sundin, E.C. & Baguley, T. (2015). Prevalence of childhood abuse among people who are homeless in Western countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50, 183-194. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-014-0937-6
Social Isolation
- Dwyer, P., Bowpitt, G., Sundin, E., & Weinstein, M. (2015). Rights, responsibilities and refusals: Homelessness policy and the exclusion of single homeless people with complex needs. Critical Social Policy, 35, 3-23. DOI: 10.1177/0261018314546311
- Dwyer, P., Bowpitt, G., Weinstein, M. & Sundin, E. (2013). Places of sanctuary for ‘the undeserving’? Homeless people’s day centres and the problem of conditionality. British Journal of Social Work, 44, 1251-1267 doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcs196.
Mental Health
- Arowolo, I., Sundin, E., Walker, S., & Premkumar, P. (2015). A study of emotional intelligence in patients with bipolar disorder. Online supplement to Bipolar Disorders: An International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, 17, 139.
- Kellezi, B., Coupland, C., Morriss, R., Beckett, K., Joseph, S., Barnes, J., ... & Kendrick, D. (2017). The impact of psychological factors on recovery from injury: a multicentre cohort study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52, 855-866.
- Marriott, M.R., Thompson, A.R., Cockshutt, G., & Rowse, G. (2018). Narrative insight in psychosis: the relationship with spiritual and religious explanatory frameworks. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.
- Premkumar, P., Onwumere, J., Betts, L., Kibowski, F., & Kuipers, E. (in press). Schizotypal traits and their relation to rejection sensitivity in the general population: the mediation by quality of life, agreeableness and neuroticism. Psychiatry Research.
- Premkumar, P., Onwumere, J., Jacobo, A., Kessel, D., Kumari, V., Kuipers, E., Carretié, L. (2015). The relation between schizotypy and early attention to rejecting interactions: the influence of neuroticism. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 16, 587-601.
- Thomson, S., Marriott, M., Telford, K., Law, H., Mclaughlin, J., & Sayal, K. (2014). Adolescents with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa: Parents' experience of recognition and deciding to seek help. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 19, 43-57.