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Fee payment conditions

This document sets out the conditions applicable to the payment of Fees by or on behalf of Students in respect of the courses, accommodation and other services and activities provided to them by the University.

Fee payment conditions for 2024/25

These fee payment conditions apply to all students of Nottingham Trent University, with the exception of students enrolled on the following online learning courses:

  • MSc Construction Project Management
  • MBA
  • MBA (Data Analytics)
  • MBA (Fashion Management)
  • MA International Relations

Most Fee levels (including Tuition Fees) are reviewed and revised by the University on an annual basis. Details of Fee levels for each academic year are published on the relevant pages of the University's website and notified to students through the relevant communication channels.

1. Definitions

In these Fee Payment Conditions the following words and phrases have the meanings indicated:

  • "Course" means the course of study or programme of research on which the Student enrols at the University.
  • "Offer Terms" means the Standard Terms and Conditions for all students. The Student contractual relationship with the University is bound by the University's Terms and Conditions, which incorporate these Fee Payment Conditions.
  • "Fee" means an amount payable by the Student to the University including the Tuition Fee.
  • "Tuition Fee" means the Fee payable by the Student in respect of the Course provided to him/her by the University.
  • "Advance Payment" means a specified proportion of the Tuition Fee, determined by the University, which is payable in advance by Students who require a visa to enter the United Kingdom. Students who are required to make an Advance Payment will be notified accordingly by the University.
  • "Ancillary Course Fee" means a mandatory Fee which is payable by the Student in addition to the Tuition Fee in respect of some specialist Course-specific item. Such items can include (but are not limited to) compulsory field study trips and costs of specialist equipment and materials provided for the Student's individual use. Ancillary Course Fees vary between Courses and students are advised by their Schools where such Fees apply to their Course.
  • "Examination Fee" means a fee levied by an external awarding or examining body. The requirement to pay such a fee applies to a small number of specific Courses. Applicants for places on Courses for which an Examination Fee is payable will be notified of the requirement as part of the application process.
  • "Accommodation Fee" means the Fee payable by the Student in respect of his/her place in residential accommodation (often referred to as “Halls of Residence”) provided or arranged by the University's Student Accommodation Service.
  • "Accommodation Booking Fee/Deposit" means the Fee payable by the Student to secure his/her place in accommodation provided or arranged by the University's Student Accommodation Service.
  • “Cohort” means a group of students starting and working together through the same academic curriculum
  • "Miscellaneous Fee" means any other Fee which may become payable by the Student to the University as a consequence of choices made by the Student, and may include (but is not limited to) optional field trips and study visits, entry to events, library penalties and key deposits.
  • Scheduled Start Date” means the first day of the course for that academic year as detailed in your admissions confirmation letter.

2. Liability for payment of fees

2.1. It is the Student's responsibility to ensure that any and all Fees payable by him/her to the University are paid at the appropriate time. Irrespective of the willingness of any third party to pay fees on behalf of a Student, legal responsibility for payment of any and all Fees shall always remain with the Student.

2.2. It is the Student’s responsibility to ensure that if there is an outstanding debt to the University, their contact details are kept updated.

3. Tuition Fee Loans for Home Undergraduate Students

3.1. It is expected that the majority of full-time undergraduate Students from the UK will take out a Tuition Fee Loan from the Student Loans Company (SLC). Similarly, most full-time undergraduate Students from elsewhere in the EU will be entitled to take out a Tuition Fee Loan from the UK Government. Where such a Tuition Fee Loan is taken out by a Student, the amount of the loan will be paid directly to the University.

3.2. Where the value of the Tuition Fee Loan equals the full value of the Tuition Fee due from the Student in that academic year, no other payment arrangements need be made by the Student in respect of that Tuition Fee. If the value of the Tuition Fee Loan covers only part of the Tuition Fee due for that academic year, the Student shall be responsible for paying the balance of the Tuition Fee directly to the University.

3.3. In the event that the Student's Tuition Fee Loan is revoked or otherwise reduced, the Student shall be liable for payment, direct to the University, of that part of the Tuition Fee which is not met by the Loan, (providing the student is notified of the liability within 6 years of the debt arising in accordance with the provisions of the Limitation Act 1980).

3.4 In the event that a Student does not take out or is not eligible for a Tuition Fee Loan, the Student shall be required to pay the full value of the Tuition Fee directly to the University. Payment by instalments may be available – see the sections below on “Timing of Payments” and “Payment Options”.

4. Payment by Third Parties


4.1. A Student's employer, or other corporate body or government agency, can elect to act as the Student's Sponsor and pay the Student's Tuition Fee on his/her behalf.

4.2. The University will be prepared to operate such sponsorship arrangements, provided that the Sponsor's commitment to pay the Tuition Fee is made by way of either a formal purchase order or a letter to the University confirming the amount that will be paid. Such letters must be in a form acceptable to the University, written on the Sponsor's formal stationery and signed by an appropriately authorised officer of the sponsoring organisation.

4.3. Where the amount being paid to the University by a Student's Sponsor is less than the total Tuition Fee due, the Student undertakes to pay the balance of the Tuition Fee directly to the University.

4.4. The University is unable to offer Sponsors the opportunity to pay by instalments. An invoice will be issued for that element of the Tuition Fee being met by the Sponsor, with payment due in full on receipt of the invoice. Fees paid by a Sponsor may be subject to VAT which will be charged where applicable.

4.5. In the event that the University does not receive payment of a Student's Tuition Fee from the Student's Sponsor when that Tuition Fee falls due for payment, the Student shall remain liable for payment of the Tuition Fee due and undertakes to pay all such Fees upon request from the University.

Payment by other third parties (including parents)

4.6. A Student's Fees can be paid by another person. However, the legal liability for payment of Fees will always remain with the Student. Where a Fee payment is made or an instalment arrangement is set up by a third party (including the Student's parent) this shall not constitute nor be deemed to create any form of binding contract or formal sponsorship agreement between the University and that third party.

4.7. In the event that a parent or other third party wishes to revoke an arrangement to pay any Fees on behalf of a Student, it is the Student's responsibility to promptly put in place an alternative payment arrangement which is acceptable to the University.

4.8. A parent or other third party shall have no right to demand a refund from the University of any Fee payment already made by them on behalf of a Student. Refund arrangements are covered in the Fee Charging section of these Fee Payment Conditions.

5. Timing of Payments

5.1. The opportunity to pay any Fees by instalments, and the number, value and timing of those instalments are at the discretion of the University. These features depend on various factors such as Course length and start date, and will vary between years. Instalment payment timings will appear in the associated fee payment guidance pages.

Course-Related: Tuition Fee

5.2. Students must ensure that in each academic year, before the scheduled commencement date of their Course for that year, they:

  • Take out a Tuition Fee Loan from the SLC or UK Government (see section 3) to cover their Tuition Fee, or
  • Pay the Tuition Fee in full to the University, or
  • Put in place an instalment arrangement (acceptable to the University) to pay the Tuition Fee. The opportunity to pay by instalment is not available if the amount of Tuition Fee to be paid directly by the Student in that year is less than £500.

5.3. Where a Student elects to pay all or part of the Tuition Fee by instalments, his/her enrolment status for that academic year cannot progress to "Fully Enrolled" until a formal instalment payment plan, acceptable to the University, is put in place.

5.4. Full-time undergraduate home students and post graduate home students should note that they will be unable to receive their Maintenance/Cost of Living Grants or Loans until they have Fully Enrolled status.

Course-Related: Advance Payments

5.5. Applicants who are required to obtain a UK entry visa from the UK immigration authorities must make an advance payment to the University prior to commencement of their Course. This payment is one of the elements required to trigger the issue of the Confirmation of Acceptance for Study (CAS) by the University, which the prospective student can then use in support of his/her visa application.

Course-related: Ancillary Course Fees

5.6. Timing of payment for Ancillary Course Fees depends on the nature of the Fee and the activity to which it relates. Students on Courses which are subject to such Fees will be advised accordingly by the School delivering their Course.

Course-Related: Examination Fees

5.7. Students on Courses which are subject to Examination/Assessment Fees payable to external bodies will be advised of the nature, amount and timing of those Fees by the School delivering their Course.

Accommodation-Related: Booking Fee/Deposit

5.8. The Booking Fee/Deposit is payable at the time of accommodation booking. It is retained by the University while the Student is resident, and is returned to the Student at the end of their residence period, less deductions for any damages, breakages, outstanding accommodation charges or other legitimate charges.

Accommodation-Related: Accommodation Fee

5.9. The Accommodation Fee can be paid in full, prior to moving in, or by instalments if the total Accommodation Fee due for the academic year is £500 or more. Where a Student elects to pay the Accommodation Fee by instalments, a formal instalment arrangement must be put in place with the University prior to the Student taking up residence. The exact deadline for set-up of the instalment arrangement is dependent upon the date on which the Student receives an unconditional offer of a place on his/her chosen Course, and the Student will be notified accordingly by the University's Student Accommodation Service.

5.10. Irrespective of the option to pay by instalments, the Student is liable for the full Accommodation Fee for the entire period of their formal Accommodation Agreement in respect of residential Accommodation provided or arranged by the University. Refund of any part of the Accommodation Fee is subject to the specific refund policy detailed within the Accommodation Agreement.

Miscellaneous Fees

5.11. Each of the services and activities which may give rise to Miscellaneous Fees has its own specific Terms and Conditions of use/participation, including details of fees payable and refund arrangements.

6. Payment options

Paying in full

6.1. Students who wish, or are required, to pay their Tuition Fee or Accommodation Fee in full as a single payment, can do so by credit/debit card.

Paying by instalments

6.2. Where a Student decides not (or is not eligible) to take out a Tuition Fee Loan from the SLC or equivalent UK national funding body, and elects instead to pay the Tuition Fee by instalments, the amount payable directly by the Student is divided into three equal amounts, each being due for payment on dates specified by the University. If the Student is required to make an Advance Payment, the value of the Advance Payment is deducted from the total Tuition Fee due for that academic year and the balance is then split into two equal instalments.

6.3. Accommodation Fees are divided into three instalments, the value of each being determined by the number of resident weeks per term, and each being due for payment on a specified date, detailed within the accommodation web pages when the accommodation is booked and within the particulars of the Student's formal Accommodation Agreement.

7. How to pay

Pay online

7.1. The University offers an online payment facility which can be used to pay Tuition, Accommodation-related and certain other Fees. The online payment facility can be used to pay those Fees in full by credit or debit card, or to set up instalment payment arrangements (where offered). Instalment payments can be made by credit/debit card or by Direct Debit from a UK bank account.

Paying online is the university's preferred method of payment. All information submitted during the payment process is encrypted and (if retained) is held in a safe environment.

Should the first attempt to take a debit or credit card payment on the agreed date fail the University will automatically attempt to take the payment again 5 days later.

By bank transfer through Global Pay (Western Union)

7.2. Nottingham Trent University’s bank transfer platform for international students – GlobalPay – is provided by Convera. For further information please visit our international web pages.

8. Implications of Non-Payment

8.1. Where any Fees due from a Student remain unpaid for more than 14 days after the date when they became due for payment, the University shall be entitled to charge interest at the rate of 3% per year above the base rate of the Bank of England on the amount of Fees outstanding. The interest shall accrue on a daily basis. In addition, the University reserves the right to charge an administration fee of £35 for collection of any unpaid instalment item.

8.2. If the Tuition Fee (or any substantial part of the Tuition Fee) due to the University remains unpaid 28 days after the date it is due for payment the University shall be entitled to take legal action to recover the debt and/or take any or all of the following steps:

  • commence legal action to recover the debt together with any interest and costs incurred in so doing;
  • give the Student notice that unless, within a further 14 day period, arrangements that the University considers satisfactory are made for payment of the outstanding amount, the University will terminate the Student's studies, in which case the provisions of regulation 3.2.3 of the Terms and Conditions will take effect;
  • in respect of the Course to which the outstanding Tuition Fee relates, delay in giving the Student any award or qualification which would otherwise have been made, not permit the Student to attend the Graduation Ceremony, and/or refuse to allow the Student to proceed to any further stage of the Course, until all outstanding amounts have been paid.
  • share information with third party recovery agents in the event of non-payment.

8.3. If any amount of Accommodation Fees remains unpaid 28 days after the date it falls due for payment, the University shall be entitled to take legal action to recover the debt together with any interest and costs incurred in so doing. The University shall also be entitled to seek eviction of the Student from residence.

8.4. If any amount of Miscellaneous or other Fees payable to the University remains unpaid 28 days after the date they fall due, the University shall be entitled to take legal action to recover the debt together with any interest and costs incurred in so doing.

8.5. The actions that the University is entitled to take under this section 8 do not affect the University's rights to pursue any remedies permitted under any other contractual arrangements that apply to the Miscellaneous or other Fees.

8.6. Irrespective of any other remedies or actions that might be available to the University, a Student who has failed to pay any Tuition Fee due by the due date (or to make arrangements acceptable to the University in respect of that Fee) will not be eligible to fully enrol or re-enrol. In addition, the University reserves the right to deny access to those services, facilities or activities covered by any Fees while those Fees remain overdue for payment.

9. Fees Due

9.1 Tuition Fees due for Home undergraduate students and those students (on other courses) eligible for SLC tuition fee loan. (Excluding Postgraduate Masters Loans)

Students in this category who withdraw part-way through an academic year will be liable for a proportion of the full Tuition Fee for that year on the following basis:

Withdrawal Date Tuition Fee due to the University
21 days or less from the scheduled start date of the Course as confirmed in your admissions offer letter for that academic year No Tuition Fee will be payable for that year.
More than 21 days after the scheduled start date for the Course for that academic year, but on or before the final day of Term 1 25% of the full-year Tuition Fee.
During Term 2 of the academic year 50% of the full-year Tuition Fee.
During Term 3 of the academic year 100% of the full-year Tuition Fee.

If the Student had already paid more than the amount specified in the table above, they would be entitled to a refund of the difference.

‘Note: This Tuition Fee liability/refund model for Home Undergraduate students is consistent with recommendations made by the UK Government’s department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).’

9.2 Tuition fees due for other students

With the exception of those covered in section 9.1 above and students enrolled on online learning courses detailed at the start of these Fee Payment Conditions who are excluded from these Fee Payment Conditions, all students who withdraw part-way through an academic year will be liable to pay a proportion of the full Tuition Fee for that year on the following basis:

Withdrawal Date Tuition Fee due to the University
21 days or less from the scheduled start date of the Course for that year. No Tuition Fee will be payable for that year.
More than 21 days after the scheduled start date for the Course for that year. The amount of Tuition Fee payable will be pro-rata to the proportion of the Course already elapsed in that year (measured in weeks) at the date of withdrawal. See example below.

If the Student had already paid more than the amount specified in the table above, he/she would be entitled to a refund of the difference.

Example of the pro-rata calculation:

If a Student formally withdrew in the 6th week of a Course which has a 30-week year, they would be liable for 6/30ths (20%) of the Tuition Fee payable for that year. If the Student had already paid more than the amount resulting from this calculation, they would be entitled to a refund of the difference.
For International Students who have made an Advance Payment, that payment is excluded from the pro-rata calculation of Tuition Fee payable; the Advance Payment is only refundable under the terms specified at 9.4 below.

9.3 Determination of withdrawal date for refund purposes

For the purposes of identifying the date on which a Student is deemed to have formally withdrawn from their Course, and the resulting calculation of the amount of Tuition Fee chargeable or refund due, the University shall be entitled to consider that the Student is still formally enrolled (i.e. not withdrawn and therefore liable for payment of Tuition Fees) until the date when all of the following actions have been completed:

  • the University has received formal notification from the Student that he/she wishes to withdraw from the Course, or the University has notified the Student in writing that their place on the Course has been terminated, and
  • the Student has ceased attending lectures or undertaking research, and
  • he/she has returned his/her Smartcard to the University, and
  • he/she has returned all other items and materials issued to him/her but owned by the University, and
  • The student has moved out of halls of residence (if applicable).

9.4 Advance Payments

An advance payment which has been paid by an Applicant as part of their application for a place on a Course at the University shall only be refundable in the event that the Applicant's UK visa application is rejected, or the University subsequently withdraws the offer of a place due to the Applicant's failure to meet the University's academic entry criteria.

9.5 Ancillary Course Fees

These Fees are not refundable, except at the discretion of the University, as they usually involve non-recoverable expenditure incurred by the University.

9.6 Examination Fees

These Fees are not refundable, except at the discretion of the University, as they usually require the University to make non-recoverable payments to external bodies.

9.7 Accommodation-related Fees

Residential accommodation provided or arranged by the University is subject to individual agreements which vary between student residences. Any entitlement to a refund or the waiving of any element of accommodation-related fees shall be as specified in the terms and conditions of the Student's formal
Accommodation agreement.

9.8 Miscellaneous and other Fees

Entitlement to a refund of any Miscellaneous or other Fee paid by or on behalf of a Student shall be in accordance with the Terms and Conditions for the activity or service in question.

9.9 Payment of Refunds

  • Fee payments made by bank transfer shall be refunded to the same bank and account holder (or other financial institution) that originally paid the Fee.
  • Fee payments made by credit or debit card shall be refunded to the same card used for payment.
  • The University shall not make refunds by cash or cheque. If the original Fee was made by one of these methods, the University will ask for evidence of the Fee being withdrawn/paid from a bank account and will return the Fee directly to this bank account.
  • Where it is not possible to refund the Fee via the original payment method (e.g. bank account is now closed and unable to accept funds), the University will require evidence of who made the Fee payment, and will refund the Fee to the Fee payer.
  • Where payment of the Fee was split between more than one payee, any refund due will be made in the same proportions as the Fee payment split.
  • All refunds will be calculated in UK sterling. The University will not refund any shortfalls due to exchange rate fluctuations or offer compensation for any bank or other charges incurred.

10. Data protection

Personal information collected by the University during the payment process will be used for the purposes of payment processing and for the following purposes:

10.1. Students: for those purposes detailed in the Student Privacy Notice which forms part of the Terms and Conditions.