Student Contract
In accepting the offer of a place at the University you are entering into a Contract with the University. In doing so you will be accepting the provisions of the Terms and Conditions below and agree to comply with the University’s Regulations, Rules, Codes, Policies and Procedures that apply to enrolled students.
If you accept the University’s offer of a place on a course we strongly recommend that you download and save these documents for future reference, as they form your Contract with the University.
If you have any queries about these Terms and Conditions, or any other aspect of your offer of a place, you are advised to email the University's Admissions office in the first instance.
Please be aware that downloading these documents may incur high data charges if you are connected to a mobile or metered wireless data plan. Nottingham Trent University cannot take responsibility for any costs incurred by you as a result of downloading this material.
Terms and conditions
Terms and Conditions
The document sent to you as part of the University's offer of a place - copy provided here for completeness. (You can also see previous versions of our terms and conditions.)
Course Cancellation Form
The form to cancel your place on a course.
Student Code of Behaviour
Our Student Code of Behaviour lays out the standards of behaviour expected from undergraduate and postgraduate students and the procedures followed in cases of alleged misconduct.
Data protection and privacy
Student Privacy Notice
Sets out the arrangements for the University’s collection and use of students’ personal data.
Information Governance
The EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governs all data that companies hold on individuals. Find out what this means for NTU and how we manage your personal data.
Website Cookies and Privacy Policy
Our privacy statement explains what types of personal information will be gathered when you visit our website(s) or use our digital services, and how this information will be used.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The policy which sets out the University’s commitment to an inclusive and supportive environment for all members of its community.
Intellectual Property Policy for Students
The University’s policy on the ownership and management of Intellectual Property generated by students.
Refund and Compensation Policy
Sets out the circumstances in which the University will refund tuition fees and other relevant costs to students and provide compensation where necessary if the University is no longer able to preserve continuation of study for one or more students.
Student Protection Plan
The plan which sets out what you can expect to happen should NTU close a course, a campus or the University. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that you can continue and complete your studies, or be compensated if this is not possible.
Study to support policy
Nottingham Trent University is committed to providing a supportive environment for its students and recognises that the wellbeing of students is critical to their learning, academic achievement and wider student experience. This policy will apply in situations where a student's health, wellbeing and / or behaviour are having a detrimental impact on their ability to progress academically and function effectively at the University.
The Use of Faith Facilities policy
The University provides facilities for prayer and other faith activities across all campuses. This document gives information about the location of these facilities and the policy for their use.
NTU's Race Equality Action Plan
Find information on NTU's 2020-21 race equality action plan including a statement from our Vice Chancellor, Professor Edward Peck addressing our priorities, an executive summary highlighting the University's objectives for our race equality action plan and the actions, purpose and roles of responsibilities to achieve our goals.
Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
Nottingham Trent University is committed to providing an environment in which academic freedom and freedom of speech are respected. This Code provides further information.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of the most important Regulations, which are also available to view in the Student Handbook.
Academic Appeals
The procedure for bringing an appeal against decisions made by a Board of Examiners.
Please note that we've updated the policy, effective from the start of the 2022/23 academic year. See the new version of the academic appeals policy.
Academic Irregularities Code of Practice
The principles and procedures by which the University manages allegations of academic irregularities.
Academic Standards and Quality Handbook
Sets out the policies, procedures, processes, regulations and guidance that define and assure the academic standards and quality of the University’s academic portfolio.
Complaints Procedure
The procedure through which students can pursue complaints about their learning experience.
- Student Complaint Form Level 1 — Early Resolution at Local Level
- Student Complaint Form Level 2 — Formal Stage
- Student Complaint Form Level 3 — Complaint Review Stage
Please note that we've updated the policy, effective from the start of the 2022/23 academic year.
Common Assessment Regulations
The framework of principles and regulations for assessment across all Schools and Courses of the University. The regulations are in the relevant sections page linked above.
Computer Use Regulations
The procedures with which users must comply when using University computer systems and resources.
Examination Code of Conduct
These guidelines cover examination procedures for students at Nottingham Trent University.
Fee Payment Conditions
The conditions applicable to the payment of all types of fees for tuition and other services/facilities provided to students with the exception of online learning courses.
How to make a complaint
The process for providing feedback, making a complaint and who to contact.
Online learning fee payment conditions
The conditions applicable to the payment of all course/module related fees provided to students for online-learning courses.
Notification of Extenuating Circumstances Procedure
The procedure by which students can notify the University and seek guidance on circumstances which have adversely affected their academic performance.
Procedure for Investigating Alleged Research Misconduct
The framework through which allegations of misconduct in research are dealt with.
Regulations Applicable to Research Students
The regulations which set out the key aspects of arrangements for research students. The regulations documents are in the NTU Doctorate Plus Programme section of the page linked above.