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Communication University of China

NTU has a strategic partnership with the Communication University of China (CUC), offering Chinese students the choice of three joint Master’s and Undergraduate courses.

Faculty of International Media (ICUC)

ICUC Students - East asia

Communication University of China (CUC)

In 2014, NTU launched a strategic partnership in Beijing with the Communication University of China (CUC), which is licensed by the Chinese Ministry of Education (MoE). NTU’s Joint Education Institute with CUC, known as the Faculty of International Media (ICUC), offers Chinese students a choice of three joint Master’s programmes: MA Broadcast Journalism, MA Media and Globalisation, and MA Museum and Heritage Management. Each Master’s degree is delivered over two years, with students based in Beijing for the first year, taught by both NTU and CUC academic staff.

The majority of students travel to the UK for their second year, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in UK culture. While in Nottingham, students work on their dissertations and can gain valuable work experience.

MA Broadcast Journalism students also have access to the state-of-the-art facilities at NTU’s multi-million-pound Centre for Broadcasting & Journalism (CBJ), where they hone their skills in a professional, industry-standard journalistic environment. In 2021, the collaboration was extended to include a dual BA degree in Advertising (CUC award) and Media Communications (NTU award).

Formerly known as Beijing Broadcasting Institute (BBI), CUC is one of the top five universities in China for Journalism (2015 CUCAS China University Ranking) and is highly respected, particularly for its work in media. The partnership between NTU’s School of Arts and Humanities and colleagues in Beijing has grown steadily since NTU academics first began teaching in Beijing, when the programmes enrolled their initial cohorts.

This collaboration, which just celebrated its 10-year anniversary, lies at the heart of NTU’s internationalisation strategy, offering Chinese students the opportunity to experience a UK university education both in China and the UK. Students able to familiarise themselves with the British style of teaching, learning, and assessment while significantly improving their English skills before arriving in the UK.

Our partnership with CUC is one of the most important strategic relationships that we have here at NTU and a fantastic example of the University’s ambition to nurture global citizenship.

Angela Brown, Executive Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities

Virtual Heritage Futures

Rethinking Heritage Futures: Building competencies, synergies, and knowledge exchange between the UK and China on heritage management, digitisation, and the creative economy

This British-sponsored project will enhance and develop knowledge exchange between NTU and CUC on the theme of strategic heritage management, set against a backdrop of:

  1. post-pandemic re-adjustments;
  2. a decline in domestic and international tourism;
  3. long-term pressures on funding for heritage preservation and public engagement; and
  4. a lack of engagement with technology in museums and heritage institutions.

Focused on priority cultural heritage topics and policy areas, the project will interrogate issues facing the sector and specific sites, generate new ideas, and set shared future agendas for research, education, and training.

Curated workshops will engage graduates, early-career researchers, and heritage professionals not only in the heritage sector but also in other fields such as the creative industries, virtual technology, and AI, aiming to explore synergies and innovative ways to utilise heritage to benefit local communities and economies.

What our students say

Xinnan Zhao

Xinnan Zhao, MA Media and Globalisation

“A dual degree allows me to integrate Chinese and British media studies. It also broadens my horizons, and will help me be more competitive in my future career.”

Student profiles: