About this course
Explore the secrets of what makes us human, what it means to be alive, and why we behave in the ways we do. On this course you'll explore the human being; the workings of the brain; the processes and mechanisms of human thinking, feeling and behaviour; and how psychologists, psychological research and therapy can make a tangible and positive difference to people's lives and society.
You'll be taught by our team of over 150 expert psychologists in one of the largest Psychology departments in the UK, and will be able to take advantage of our innovative Psychology laboratories to carry out your research and data analysis. Our teaching is delivered by scholars who are recognised as world-leading as evidenced by the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF).
All of our courses offer work-like experience and we'll support you to develop your work experience or find a placement. You can also do a year-long sandwich placement in Year Three.
Tailor your learning experience through optional modules and pathways. We offer a wide range of optional modules which are taught by experts in their field.
Get involved in our amazing UK and overseas opportunities such as field trips and international summer schools. You could even study abroad for a year at a partner university.
Your future employability and careers prospects are endless. In addition to working directly in Psychology, you will also develop transferable skills in communication, critical evaluation, and data handling, which are highly sought in many areas.
(out of 995 evaluated institutions)
What you’ll study
In the first two years of this degree, you'll study a variety of content that will train you in the core areas of psychology, including biological, social, developmental, and cognitive psychology, as well as conceptual and historical issues. You'll also receive extensive training in research methods and statistics.
In your final year you'll complete an empirical research project, focused on a topic of your choosing, under the supervision of one of our highly trained staff who has expertise in their field. You'll have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of options that will help you develop specialist knowledge.
You can also take part in the innovative Professional Practice in Psychology module where you will work on real-life problem scenarios supplied by external organisations, and provide evidence-based solutions to these organisations.
Core modules
Understanding the Self: Psychology 101 (20 credits)
The aim of this module is to introduce you to the theoretical and historical developments of psychology as a discipline, including challenges posed by traditional western views and dominance. You'll examine relationships between psychological theory and everyday behaviour and experience. We will encourage you to appreciate the breadth of the human experience and behaviours, and familiarise you with ways to analyse and understand this.
Psychology in Action (20 credits)
You'll be introduced to the core professions in psychology such as clinical, forensic and occupational psychologists, as well as other non-traditional areas of work for psychology graduates. You'll be introduced to the British Psychological Society (BPS) and professional ethics, and have the opportunity to set your own personal development goals.
Exploring Psychological Impact and Change (20 credits)
You'll develop an understanding of psychological research, and how it can help to resolve societal issues, and facilitates sustainable development and change. You'll be introduced to how psychology is applied to real-world issues, while promoting social, economic, and environmentally responsible behaviour. You'll also be exposed to case studies that illustrate how psychology contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Research Design and Practice (1) (20 credits)
This is an introduction to a variety of research methods used in psychology, individually and as a team. You have the opportunity to develop and practice report-writing skills, understand experimentation and self-report methods, and gain practical experience. You will be required to formulate hypotheses, search for and review any relevant literature in the library, prepare necessary materials or instruments, select a sample, collect and analyse data using appropriate statistical techniques, interpret the findings, and produce an individual written report of the work undertaken.
Analysing Data: Methods and Tools (1) (20 credits)
You'll study the fundamental concepts and practices of statistical data analysis in psychology, using open-source software called 'R'. By the end of the module, you should be able to design research studies in psychology, and be familiar with a range of descriptive, nonparametric, and parametric statistics. The module is assessed by one examination at the end of the module. Continuous feedback throughout the year will help you progress, help you develop your skills, and act as resource to draw upon when conducting research.
Developing Academic Skills in Psychology (20 credits)
This is a tutorial-based module where you will meet with your personal and academic tutor in a small group setting every week. The module is about building the skills essential to academic work: discussion, presentation, and writing, along with developing employability. Starting with fundamentals such as literature searches and referencing, you progress to the heart of academic skills with critical evaluation, synthesis of evidence, and more specifically, evaluating evidence with respect to arguments. You will gain experience of discussing, debating, presenting and of writing a formal essay, with work-like experience built into the module. You'll also be taught about the use of AI in research and writing.
Core modules
Brain, Behaviour and Cognition: Understanding the Mind (20 credits)
This module provides you with an in-depth understanding of contemporary issues in the investigation of cognitive and biological issues which you were introduced to in Year One. You'll be encouraged to draw across cultural perspectives, and explore the concept of individual cognitive and biological processes. You'll also learn about the structure and function of the brain, and cognitive processes such as perception, attention, memory, language, and thinking.
Social Evolution and Individual Development (20 credits)
Building on your understanding of psychological processes introduced in Year One, you'll explore the impact of culture, internalisation and individual difference. You'll take part in in-depth discussions about social and lifespan development psychology, evaluate the relevance of theory and research, and develop an understanding of the range of development across the lifespan.
Analysing Data: Methods and Tools (2) (20 credits)
Building on Year One, you'll advance your knowledge and understanding of quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques to prepare you for your final year project. You'll learn to use statistical software and analytical techniques associated primarily with non-experimental research such as multiple regression or mediation. You will learn about data cleaning and preparation, and be introduced to AI to support the analytical process.
Research Design and Practice (2) (20 credits)
Within this module you'll continue to develop your understanding of different research methods, applied ethics and open science principles. You will explore advanced experimental, psychometric and qualitative research techniques through lectures, workshops and lab work.
Analytical Thinking in Psychology (20 credits)
This will be delivered in a small group setting with your personal and academic tutor who you will meet with weekly. In the module you will consider some of the key debates in contemporary psychology and discuss how these inform current research and practice.
Optional modules
Choose one module from the below list:
- Health Psychology of Illness (20 credits)
- Occupational Psychology (20 credits)
- Sport and Exercise Psychology (20 credits)
Modules for sandwich students only
Placement Year Essentials (non-credit bearing)
This non-credit bearing module only needs to be undertaken by students on the sandwich course involving a placement during Year 3. You'll be introduced to potential recruiters, as well as recruitment methods such as interviews and assessment centres. You will be trained in developing a CV, as well as understanding professional workplace behaviour, and your rights and obligations in relation to safeguarding, and health and safety.
Core modules
Psychological Applications to Work Settings (20 credits)
In this module you will work in a team, searching for and evaluating the latest psychological research and knowledge to solve a real-world problem faced by an external organisation. During the module you will learn more about how professional and applied psychologists work, deepen your knowledge of psychology and develop your skills in searching for and evaluating research evidence. This module also gives you a work-based experience, linked to an external organisation. It will help you develop your employability by learning about working effectively in a team on a long piece of work, and how to use the skills from your degree to solve practical real-world problems.
Psychology Research Project (40 credits)
A major piece of work whereby you will carry out independent research, the topic and design of which is decided upon in consultation with a supervisor. The project will demonstrate that you can conduct an extended research report, as well as an understanding of the methodological skills and presentational techniques developed throughout the course. Our final-year students conduct research projects in a wide range of areas in psychology, some of which have been successfully published.
Optional modules to tailor your learning
If you are studying on the BSc (Hons) Psychology course without a specialist pathway you will choose one module from each set.
If you opt for one of the specialist pathways, you will choose between pathway-specific modules for two sets, and have a free choice in the third.
Optional modules currently include:
Set A |
Set B |
Set C |
Please note:
The number of places available on some optional modules may be limited. These will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who are unable to select their first choice will be offered an alternative from the remaining optional modules.
Taking the BSc (Hons) Psychology course enables you to apply to specialise in a particular area. Some students may opt to join us on one of our specialist pathways in Cognition and Neuroscience, Mental Health, Forensic Psychology or Educational and Developmental Psychology.
You also have the option to transfer to one of the following specialisms for the start of Year Two.
Evolution and Behaviour
Evolution and Behavior Psychology seeks to understand human behaviour and cognition through the lens of evolution. This pathway explores how our ancestors’ and primate relatives' survival and reproductive challenges have shaped our thoughts, emotions, and actions today.
In Year 2 the Analytical Thinking in Psychology module will focus on Social and Cultural psychology debates.
In Year 3 you will study the following:
- Research Project in Evolution and Behaviour
- Professional Practice in Psychology
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Primates and Us: Behaviour, Bodies and Brains
- Choose an optional module from:
- Cyberpsychology
- Gender, Identity and Body Image
- Trauma in Children and Adolescents;
- Psychopathology
- Mind Reading and Mind Control
- Black and Cultural Psychology
- Qualitative 3: Applied and Creative Approaches to Qualitative Research
- Personality, Personality Disorders and Violence
- Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
- Psychology of Religion
- Psychology of Sex
Social and Cultural
Social and Cultural Psychology explores applied aspects of social psychology and various aspects of culture, such as diverse cultural understandings of groups, identity and gender. This pathway includes cross-cultural and decolonial studies and their influence on human psychology.
In Year 2 the Analytical Thinking in Psychology module will focus on Social and Cultural psychology debates.
In Year 3 you will study the following:
- Research Project in Social and Cultural Psychology
- Professional Practice in Psychology
- Specialist module from Set A: choose between Gender, Identity and Body Image; and Black and Cultural Psychology
- Specialist module from Set B: choose between Community, Health and Applied Social Psychology; The Psychology of Social Realities; and Ideology and Moral Psychology
- Optional module from Set C: choose any of the modules on offer.
We regularly review and update our course content based on student and employer feedback, ensuring that all of our courses remain current and relevant. This may result in changes to module content or module availability in future years.
Don’t just take our word for it, hear from our students themselves
More about NTU Psychology
How you're taught
The BSc (Hons) Psychology is taught by experienced staff used to working with students from a range of backgrounds and with varying levels of skill and experience.
To provide you with a first-class learning experience and to guarantee you have an opportunity to make the most of your time at university, you will receive contact time through a diverse range of delivery methods that include lectures, workshops, and one-on-one supervision.
Tutorials with staff
To help you transition into NTU, during your first two years you will be supported through a tutorial system where you will meet with an academic tutor in a small group setting on a weekly basis.
These sessions will help you with study skills, and give you advice about the course and curriculum.
Each year you will have an academic and personal tutor who you can approach for personalised advice relating to your course or to raise any difficulties you are experiencing relating to your work, personal circumstances, or your university experience.
Virtual learning environment
You'll also use our virtual learning environment NOW, which is a flexible web-based system that allows you to have 24-hour access to module learning materials and reading lists. It allows you to discuss work with tutors and other students, and submit coursework electronically from anywhere in the world.
Learning from experts
Our lecturers are highly respected researchers who conduct innovative research in their specialist areas. NTU Psychology employs world-leading Professors and academic staff, and you will learn about cutting-edge Psychology from this diverse and talented team people.
This is particularly important when it comes to your final year, where you will be taught by experts in their field on your optional modules and complete your project under their guidance.
We have a wide range of research groups spanning all areas of Psychology, such as:
- Trauma, Social Isolation and Mental Health
- Groups, Identities and Health
- Bullying and Aggressive Behaviour
- Cyberpsychology
- Perception, Attention and Memory
- Sleep
- Affect, Personality and the Embodied Brain
- Evolution and Social Interaction
Enriching opportunities
In addition to learning from our own team of talented staff, you will also hear and learn from renowned experts and professionals in related fields who are regularly invited to come and talk to our students, providing you with an insight into their specialist knowledge and experiences.
You'll get the opportunity to attend the NTU Psychology seminar series that takes place throughout the academic year. The seminars invite experts and professionals to present their publications and research findings. This is an integral part of our research culture and stimulates thinking and debate.
Opportunities that have been offered in recent years to our undergraduate students include:
- Festival of Psychology
- Freud Museum visit
- Monkey Forest visit
- Galleries of Justice visit
- Guest lectures
- Transgender Talk
- Autism Network Group
- Occupational Psychology Series
- Resilience training
- Psychology social events including Psychology and Pizza, Student Welcome Back parties, care leavers and estranged students socials, and visits to the Wollaton Hall Christmas lights show.
We also offer a number of opportunities to learn and work while you study:
- Placement opportunities such as the Swebeswebe South African Primate Project
- Paid and voluntary research assistant and apprentice schemes
- Equipment demos.
Study abroad opportunities
If you are on the three-year full-time course, you may also have the chance to study abroad at one of our partner universities. You'll decide early on in your first year if you would like to apply to take part in the exchange programme. You would study abroad between Year Two and Year Three, and it would therefore involve extending the course length to four years.
All of our exchange partners offer modules taught in English, including our European partners, so foreign language skills are not essential.
Placement year opportunities
You also have the option of choosing a four-year course that includes a year-long placement between Year 2 and your final year which we will support you to find. You must apply with the UCAS code C801 to be considered for this.
Our students undertake a wide variety of placements, for example:
- working in prisons to provide support for families
- roles within the police
- honorary assistant psychologist within the NHS (clinical)
- clinical support worker for mental health charity
- teaching assistant for children with special educational needs
- support planner for homeless charity
Students also complete placements in industry, using the psychological knowledge in many areas essential to business such as marketing, human resources or data handling.
Learn a new language
Alongside your study, you also have the opportunity to learn a new language. The University Language Programme (ULP) is available to all students, and gives you the option of learning a totally new language or improving the skills you already have.
Learning a new language can:
- enhance your communication skills
- enrich your experience when travelling abroad
- boost your career prospects.
How will I be assessed?
You'll be assessed in a variety of ways and on a modular basis – through traditional means such as examinations, research reports and essays, but also in more innovative ways which may include blogs, reflective essays and podcasts.
Your final year project is a cornerstone of the degree and is your opportunity to put all you've learned into practice! Our diverse approach to assessment allows students to demonstrate the breadth of their abilities and provides opportunity for everyone to excel.
The range of assessment tools has been acknowledged as one of the strengths of the course by the BPS Accreditation Committee and External Examiners.
In response to student feedback, the University introduced a policy ensuring you receive feedback on your assessed coursework within three weeks of submission. This timely feedback means you have the chance to incorporate suggestions for improvement in your future assignments.
How you're assessed
Full time and sandwich
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Final year |
Contact hours
Full time and sandwich
You will have around 10-12 hours per week of contact time (lectures, seminars and workshops) with our teaching staff which is around 30% of a full-time week.
Approximately 90% of our teaching is in-person.
The remaining 70% of your time will be devoted to independent study.
Careers and employability
Core skills
Our Psychology course is designed so that you can develop all the knowledge and skills that you'll need for your future career.
The diversity of our Psychology curriculum means that the course will enable you to develop a number of key transferrable skills that will be of use in a wide range of careers.
Some of these key skills include:
- Analytical skills and critical thinking: During the course you will need to critically appraise a number of different sources in order to construct an argument. You'll be fully supported to develop these skills through regular coursework and in-depth feedback on your work.
- Research and problem-solving skills: one of the best things about doing a psychology degree is conducting your own research! You will learn how to construct research questions and hypotheses, and then design research studies to answer these questions.
- Data-handling skills: We'll train you how to handle the data you collect from your research. This will involve both quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text-based) data. You will learn to summarise and present both types of data which is a skill required in many careers. NTU Psychology is one of only a few universities in the UK that teaches statistics using an open-source package called 'R' which enables you to use your skills after your graduate. This is particularly relevant for data science careers for which R is a central skill.
- Written and oral communication skills: You will complete a wide range of assessments that will develop both your written and oral communication skills. You will communicate your ideas in writing through assessments such as portfolios, essays, research reports and blogs, and also present your work orally through podcasts and live presentations.
Highly sought after by employers, these skills will put you in a strong position in the graduate market. You may go on to use your degree as the first step to becoming a professional psychologist (for example clinical, forensic, occupational).
Excellent work experience opportunities
Our graduates go on to secure many varied roles, all of which will use their Psychology degrees in some way, for example in education, policing, marketing or human resources.
Work-like experience opportunities are an integral part of the course and will feature at all levels of study. You'll be given the opportunity to engage in a number of types of activity which are supported and assessed through core modules.
This activity includes:
- Employer challenges where you work with a business or charity, applying your psychological knowledge to a real-world scenario, presenting your findings to the organisation who can benefit from your work.
- Work experience opportunities where all students will be supported to gain 60 hours of real-world work experience that you will be asked to reflect upon as part of the course.
- Nottingham Trent Volunteering which allows you to get involved in one-day challenges, student-led projects and volunteer shop.
- Work insight events where you get the opportunity to meet an employer, hear about their organisation and ask questions. An example of this is the Festival of Psychology which we host in collaboration with the British Psychological Society.
- NTU SHIELD offers a number of short-term placements for students in their second year of study as well as opportunities for sandwich year placements. Launched in 2023, SHIELD is a mental health and wellbeing service for adolescents experiencing difficulties or challenges, and delivers guided self-help in partnership with local providers. Students will be trained in the provision of this support with support and supervision from University staff, with the experience gained supporting future career prospects in psychological practice.
If you have applied for the four-year sandwich course (C801), you will complete a year-long work placement. You will be supported by the university and course team to secure your placement.
Your career development or further study
With the British Psychological Society’s GBC secured (provided you graduate with a 2.2 honours degree), you will be eligible on graduation to pursue further postgraduate (Masters of Doctoral) training in psychology. You may wish to pursue an academic or research career in various areas of psychology by working as a research assistant, or by studying for a Masters or PhD.
Our postgraduate courses include:
- Applied Child Psychology
- Cyberpsychology
- Forensic Mental Health
- Forensic Psychology
- Occupational Psychology
- Psychology Research Methods
- Psychological Wellbeing and Health
Our Employability team
Careers and employability advice is available to all our undergraduate students and is provided by a team of subject specialists within the Department of Psychology and the University's Employability team.
Psychology is very proud of its graduates and their successes. We very much look forward to helping you graduate to your chosen career, be it in psychology or beyond.
Campus and facilities
As a Psychology student you will benefit from our dedicated learning facilities, including purpose-built psychology teaching labs, state-of-the-art lecture theatres, and dedicated student study areas.
Our specialist research laboratories support staff research, as well as student projects, in the exciting areas of human cognition, behavioural neuroscience, human interaction and communication, and human development. These include:
- eye-tracking labs (and mobile eye-tracking equipment)
- motion capture lab
- EEG labs
- transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) lab
- transport lab, including driving simulators
- developmental observation lab
- interview and focus group rooms
- computational modelling and data analysis lab
- auditory perception lab
- large number of bookable lab cubicles
- various other technical equipment, including an Oculus Rift and video and audio capture and analysis equipment.
NTU’s City Campus has everything you’ll need to stay busy between lectures. As well as the Boots Library and its beautiful roof garden, there’s our stylish Students’ Union building and two-storey, 100-station gym; a whole host of cafés, bars, restaurants and food outlets for every taste; our much-loved Global Lounge; performance and rehearsal spaces for musicians; and much, much more!
Take a few steps off campus and you’ll find yourself in the heart of Nottingham — one of Britain’s top 10 student cities, and one of Europe’s top 25. It’s stuffed with history, culture, and well-kept secrets to discover at your leisure. Enjoy lush green spaces, galleries, hidden cinemas and vintage shopping by day, and an acclaimed food, drink and social scene by night.
Take our virtual tour to get a real feel for the campus.
Entry requirements
UK students
Standard offer: 120 UCAS Tariff points (full-time) or 128 UCAS Tariff Points (sandwich) from up to four qualifications
Contextual offer: 112 UCAS Tariff (full-time) or 120 UCAS Tariff points (sandwich) from up to four qualifications
To find out what qualifications have tariff points, please use our tariff calculator.
Additional requirements for UK students
It is preferable that students do not have more than one A-level in a performance, artistic or creative subject such as Art, Dance or Drama. However, all applications will be considered on an individual basis.
Psychology is about understanding behaviour, in all its forms. Primarily you will have an interest in psychology – in why people behave in the way they do. Psychology at NTU is treated as both a biological and social science, and it is preferable that you have some understanding of the broad nature of the discipline. Ideally, you will be interested in learning about out how to carry out research and analyse data.
Please note that a Disclosure and Barring Service check (formerly known as a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure) will be necessary before working with young people or vulnerable populations, but it is not required for admission onto the BSc (Hons) Psychology or the course pathways.
Contextual offers
If you don’t quite meet our entry requirements, we might be able to make you a lower offer based on a range of factors, including your background (such as where you live and the school or college you attended), your experiences and your individual circumstances (you may have been in care, for example). This is called a contextual offer, and we get data from UCAS to help make these decisions. We do this because we believe everyone with the potential to succeed at NTU should have the opportunity to do so, no matter what barriers you may face.
Meeting our entry requirements
Hundreds of qualifications in the UK have UCAS Tariff points attached to specific grades, including A-levels, BTECs, T Levels and many more. You can use your grades and points from up to four different qualifications to meet our criteria. Enter your predicted or achieved grades into our Tariff calculator to find out how many points your qualifications are worth.
Other qualifications and experience
NTU welcomes applications from students with non-standard qualifications and learning backgrounds, either for year one entry or for advanced standing beyond the start of a course into year 2 or beyond.
We consider study and/or credit achieved from a similar course at another institution (otherwise known as credit transfer), vocational and professional qualifications, and broader work or life experience.
Our Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy outlines the process and options available for this route. If you wish to apply via Recognition of Prior Learning, please contact the central Admissions and Enquiries Team who will be able to support you through the process.
Getting in touch
If you need more help or information, get in touch through our enquiry form.
International students
Academic entry requirements: 120 UCAS Tariff points (full-time) or 128 UCAS Tariff Points (sandwich) from up to four A levels. We accept equivalent qualifications from all over the world. Please check your international entry requirements by country.
English language requirements: See our English language requirements page for requirements for your subject and information on alternative tests and Pre-sessional English.
Additional requirements for international students
It is preferable that students do not have more than one A-level in a performance, artistic or creative subject such as Art, Dance or Drama. However, all applications will be considered on an individual basis.
Psychology is about understanding behaviour, in all its forms. Primarily you will have an interest in psychology – in why people behave in the way they do. Psychology at NTU is treated as both a biological and social science, and it is preferable that you have some understanding of the broad nature of the discipline. Ideally, you will be interested in learning about out how to carry out research and analyse data.
Please note that a Disclosure and Barring Service check (formerly known as a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure) will be necessary before working with young people or vulnerable populations, but it is not required for admission onto the BSc (Hons) Psychology or the course pathways.
Undergraduate preparation courses (Foundation)
If you need help achieving the academic entry requirements, we offer a Foundation preparation course for this degree. The course is offered through our partner Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC) based on our City Campus.
English language requirements
View our English language requirements for all courses, including alternative English language tests and country qualifications accepted by the University.
If you need help achieving the language requirements, we offer a Pre-Sessional English for Academic Purposes course on our City campus which is an intensive preparation course for academic study at NTU.
Other qualifications and experience
If you have the right level of qualifications, you may be able to start your Bachelors degree at NTU in year 2 or year 3. This is called ‘advanced standing’ entry and is decided on a case-by case basis after our assessment of your qualifications and experience.
You can view our Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy which outlines the process and options available, such as recognising experiential learning and credit transfer.
Sign up for emails
Sign up to receive regular emails from the International Office. You'll hear about our news, scholarships and any upcoming events in your country with our expert regional teams.
Getting in touch
If you need advice about studying at NTU as an international student or how to apply, our international webpages are a great place to start. If you have any questions about your study options, your international qualifications, experience, grades or other results, please get in touch through our enquiry form. Our international teams are highly experienced in answering queries from students all over the world.
We strive to make our admissions procedures as fair and clear as possible. To find out more about how we make offers, visit our admissions policies page.