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- Animation - BA (Hons)
- Communications and English - BA (Hons)
- Communications and Film & TV - BA (Hons)
- Communications and History - BA (Hons)
- Communications and Linguistics - BA (Hons)
- Communications and Philosophy - BA (Hons)
- Content Creation - BA (Hons)
- Content Creation - London - BA (Hons)
- Creative Technologies - MSc
- Design for Film and Television - BA (Hons)
- English and Film & TV - BA (Hons)
- English and Media - BA (Hons)
- Fashion Communication and Promotion - BA (Hons)
- Fashion Photography - BA (Hons)
- Film & TV and History - BA (Hons)
- Film & TV and Philosophy - BA (Hons)
- Film Production Technology - FdSc
- Film Technology - BSc (Hons)
- Filmmaking - BA (Hons)
- Filmmaking - MA
- Global Media and Communications - MA
- Linguistics and Media - BA (Hons)
- Media and Film & TV - BA (Hons)
- Media and Philosophy - BA (Hons)
- Media Communications - BA (Hons)
- Media Production - BA (Hons)
- Photography - MA
- Photography - BA (Hons)
- Sports Photography - BA (Hons)
- Visual Effects Art - BA (Hons)
- Visual Effects Technical Direction - BSc (Hons)
Studying Media, Film and TV at NTU
With sector-leading teaching and facilities, industry recognition and fantastic placement opportunities, we’ll prepare you for your future in media, film or TV. Our staff are active practitioners and researchers who will develop your skills in screenwriting, content creation, media analysis, directing, animating, and production, enabling you to think critically and produce original, entertaining, and engaging content.
Our media, and media joint honours courses will give you the in-depth knowledge of media theories and the role media plays in shaping our world, while from day one, our production focussed degrees will immerse you in the same facilities and equipment as the industry.
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Careers and opportunities in Media, Film and TV
You’ll have the chance to meet and learn from some incredible industry names – we’ve previously welcomed Sarah Cox (Aardman Animations), and Barry Purves (Oscar and BAFTA-nominated animator) to NTU to share their knowledge and experience.
Our courses are developed in collaboration with our media partners, and you’ll have opportunities to take part in placements and work on projects and live briefs. You’ll also have the chance to study abroad or visit exciting creative cities and countries.
More about Media, Film and TV
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Design & Digital Arts
Our Department for Design & Digital Arts provides exciting opportunities bringing together art, design, technology and business within a landmark new building.
Campus and facilities
The state-of-the-art facilities at every NTU campus are uniquely developed to meet the needs of our students and will prepare you for working in your chosen industry.
Take a virtual tour
The NTU virtual tour is a great way to get to know our University from the comfort of your own home.
Department of Journalism and Media
With strong industry links, the Department of Journalism & Media at NTU delivers cutting-edge courses and training at the forefront of journalism and media education.
See what we're about
Design & Digital Arts building
Our brand-new purpose-built building in the centre of Nottingham will accommodate a range of creative technology spaces that support our ambition to offer real-world work-like experiences where you can explore and play with the latest production techniques.
Co Lab
Expand your learning in work-like experiences. Gain the skills employers want in the industry through teamwork, collaborative practice, communication, and more.
Optional Modules
Enhance your studies with our optional modules, offering a blend of unique content and flexible delivery options. Choose from a range of modules to tailor your learning experience and connect across disciplines.
Student Showcase
Introducing the designers, makers, influencers and disruptors who represent the future of the creative industries. Discover the work of the Nottingham School of Art & Design graduating students.