How to apply to NTU through Clearing
Every year, thousands of people use Clearing to secure a place on their perfect course — so if you’re one of them, you’re in very good company!
Maybe your final grades have come as a surprise; maybe you delayed your application until later in the year; maybe you’ve changed your mind about what you’d like to study, or where. Whatever your circumstances, applying through Clearing is a great way to find your ideal course — and at NTU, we’ve got a solid reputation for supporting people who are brave enough to change their minds.
Prepping for your Clearing call
Once your grades are confirmed and you’re ready to apply, call our Clearing number on +44 (0)115 848 6000. Our friendly advisers will do everything they can to secure your place on the perfect course. It’s a busy time, so make contact as soon as you can, and ensure you’ve got all your key information at hand. That includes:
- your contact details — home address, contact phone number, and email
- your results, including GCSE grades / equivalent Level 2 qualifications — so we can quickly match them with the entry requirements for the course(s) you’re interested in
- your UCAS and Clearing number, which you can find in your application on UCAS Hub.
Make your call
Remember, we’ll need to speak directly with you on the day, so make sure you’re available. While we can always discuss your application with a parent or carer (with your permission), it’s really a conversation between you and us. It’s your call and your future, after all!
Once you’ve called our Clearing number +44 (0)115 848 6000 and reached our dedicated hotline, one of our expert team will try and secure your place on a suitable NTU course. They’ll want to know about your qualifications, and — if relevant — any useful professional experience.
If we have course vacancies available and you’ve got the necessary grades, our Clearing adviser will confirm that your application’s been successful. We know that Results Day can be a bit stressful, so we’ll resolve things quickly, and keep any worries or uncertainty to a minimum. If you’re successful, you’ll then receive an email confirming our offer, and advice on how to respond to it through UCAS.
For some courses (in certain areas of art and design, for example), you might be asked to prepare for and attend an interview, talk to a tutor, or submit a portfolio, as part of your application. That’s nothing to worry about — it’s pretty standard, and we’ll explain the process and next steps over the phone.
If you’re an international student calling from outside the UK, we have expert country advisers who’ll review your application and guide you through the whole process.
Clearing number opening times
Our phone lines are open as follows:
Monday - Thursday | 9.00 am - 5.00 pm |
Friday | 9.00 am - 4.30 pm |
You can also apply online to NTU through Clearing
We know not everyone’s a fan of phone calls. If you already know what NTU course you’d like to apply for, you can apply online.
After completing the required fields and submitting your application, we’ll send you an email — hopefully confirming that you’ve been successful in securing a place at NTU, and providing instructions on how to accept our offer through UCAS.
Again, there might be additional steps for some courses — prepare for and attend an interview, submit a portfolio, or have an informal chat with a course tutor, for example. If that’s the case, we’ll email everything you need to know on how to proceed.
NTU Podcast: Results day and Clearing
Katy, Tibor and Naomi discuss everything you need to know about A-level results day and Clearing.
Everything you need to know about Clearing – from making an application to receiving an offer.
Nottingham Trent Students' Union President Anna shares her top tips for calling during Clearing.
A guide to applying through Clearing delivered in British Sign Language.
That first phone call went really smoothly, and I actually got offered a place on that very same phone call. That really surprised me and I was like yes, absolutely, I would love to this take this [offer]!
Katya Senior, BSc (Hons) Games Production
After receiving your Clearing offer
Once you've been made an offer, you'll want to know the next steps. Find out more about what happens after you receive your Clearing offer from Nottingham Trent University.