What is TILT?
Established in 2015, the Trent Institute for Learning & Teaching (TILT®) is an initiative that supports excellence in learning and teaching at NTU. Over the years it has grown to be a highly regarded inclusive community for everyone. We help create opportunities for staff to develop, share, inspire and innovate together. TILT is at the forefront of emerging learning and teaching themes within the sector.
It gives NTU colleagues the chance to showcase the work they are doing to enhance learning and teaching, which in turn raises their profile at NTU and across the sector. As a community we support NTU's University, Reimagined strategy.
The TILT values
TILT supports staff to enhance their practice through funded schemes, online and in-person community events and themed scholarship groups. It enables staff to showcase their work by presenting at events, gaining accreditation with the Advance HE and recognition through the Vice Chancellor's Awards for Excellence. Our values are guided by the following principles:
What TILT has to offer
Vice-Chancellor's Awards
TILT supports the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Teaching and Scholarship at NTU which recognise excellence in these areas. Winning an award is an esteemed mark of recognition that demonstrates awardees have made a significant contribution to the culture of inspirational learning and teaching at NTU.
TILTOnline is our online space for all things TILT and provides a variety of content to support learning and teaching development and grow the culture of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at NTU. You will need to be an existing NTU student or member of staff to access this.
TILT Practice and Scholarship Groups
Supporting a dynamic and vibrant culture of SoTL at NTU, TILT funds Practice and Scholarship (P&S) Groups which are active across the university, and engage in developing an aspect of learning and teaching they are passionate about.
Scholarship and Development Events
Throughout the Academic year we offer our academics and professional services staff the opportunity to attend a number of events in support of their professional development.
Scholarship Projects for Undergraduate Researchers (SPUR)
The SPUR scheme offers funded opportunities for NTU students to collaborate with academic staff on cutting edge research projects in a shared field of interest. Working together allows for the development of new knowledge that can feed into the curriculum, enhance the student academic experience and be shared with the wider community.
Seedcorn Fund
The Seedcorn Fund provides colleagues with a small amount of seed funding for preliminary ‘blue sky’ exploratory Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) projects that have potential to develop into more substantial projects in the future.
Student-Staff Co-Creation fund
The Student-Staff Co-Creation Fund is intended to provide students (in partnership with a member of staff) with a small amount of funding for projects focusing on learning and teaching.
All award types, and Practice and Scholarship Groups, result in scholarly outputs including internal and external seminars, practice-exchange and networking events, learning resources, conference presentations, and publications. These activities and outputs sustain and grow our rich culture of SoTL at NTU, inform learning and teaching NTU policy and practice, and contribute to national and international discussions around learning and teaching so that everyone, no matter their background, can succeed in Higher Education.
Get involved
NTU staff can find out more about TILT by accessing our page on Thrive. Here you will find all guidance, documents, application forms and more. You will need to be an existing NTU student or member of staff and use your NTU login details to access this.
Meet the TILT team
Laura Stinson
Laura is a Senior Academic Developer within the Centre for Academic Development & Quality (CADQ).
Lee Reynolds
Lee Reynolds is the Academic Practice Developer within the Centre for Academic Development and Quality (CADQ).
Kayisha Thomas
Kayisha contributes to the success of the TILT Schemes and Awards, promotes excellence in learning and teaching, and organises events including the Annual Learning and Teaching Conference.
Get in touch
If you have any queries about TILT, please contact us by email at tilt@ntu.ac.uk.