Make a difference to the lives of young people
Students in Classrooms schemes provide a range of support for children and young people in schools in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County. As a positive role model, you will enhance pupil attainment and personal development, whilst increasing an awareness of higher education and the opportunities it can offer.
Watch the video to learn more about the roles available through the scheme.
Learn more about each role
Whatever your career plans, our schemes will look great on your CV, enhance your employability and enrich your university experience.
Applications for Students in Classrooms are now closed.
Express your interest in the scheme for 25/26. We will contact you when applications open.
Explore the roles below to find out more.
Primary Learning Advocates
Primary Learning Advocates support primary school pupils with their attainment and engagement with learning.
Literacy Achievement Coaches
Literacy Achievement Coaches support secondary school pupils with their attainment and engagement with learning.
Outreach Ambassadors
Outreach Ambassadors support with a wide range of projects across the Centre for Student and Community Engagement.
One of the best things for me about being a Learning Advocate is the flexibility of the role. There was never a dull moment and each week brought different activities and challenges.
Sophie, Learning Advocate
Get in touch
Contact if you have any questions or would like to find out more.