NTU Quality Handbook
Find out about the Quality Handbook — the guide that governs learning and teaching regulations at Nottingham Trent University.
What is the Quality Handbook?

The Quality Handbook provides the framework which governs learning and teaching at Nottingham Trent University. It serves as a source of information for both staff and students and covers several policies and guidance which state the processes and procedures that NTU follows when delivering education.
The provisions of the Quality Handbook also applies to students studying on any of our courses at partner institutions.
The associated templates and forms can be found in MyHub. They include:
- course change form
- course specification template
- curriculum map exemplar
- external specialist commentary template for course changes
- interim course report template
- external examiner forms
- teach-out arrangements guidance.
Here you can find the most recent Changes to the NTU Quality Handbook 2024/25.
Relevant sections (0-10)
- Section 2 - Enabling Student Development and Achievement through Governance - Requirements
- Section 2A - Student Engagement and Attendance Policy
- Supplement 2A - Requirements when considering requests for a Break in study
- Supplement 2B - Requirements when considering requests for a variation to study rate
- Supplement 2C - Student Route Academic Engagement Monitoring
- Supplement 2D - Withdrawal from Study
- Supplement 2E - Student Engagement and Attendance Policy - Operational Framework
(Find more information about development and approval of courses and modules.)
- Supplement 5A - Requirements for Approving Changes to Courses
- Supplement 5B - Course Design and Approval Implementation model
- Supplement 5C - Course Design and Approval School Leadership checklist
- Supplement 5D - Considering External Input in Course Design
- Supplement 5E - Appointing External Specialists for Academic Approval
- Supplement 5F - Curriculum Map Exemplar
- Supplement 5G - Teach-Out Arrangements
- Supplement 5H - Requirements International Exchanges Under review for 2023/24.
- Supplement 5I - Approval and Quality Management of Different Categories of Course
- Supplement 5J - Assessment Regulations Where There Are PSRB Constraints
- Section 10 - Working With Others - Requirements
- Section 10A - Partnerships - Requirements
- Section 10B - Academic Partnerships - Requirements
- Section 10C - Micro-credentials - Requirements
- Section 10D - Placements - Requirements
- Section 10E - Wiley Online Policy - Requirements
- Section 10F - Apprenticeships - Requirements
- Supplement 10A - Requirements for Professional Development Collaborations
- Supplement AP1 - Apprenticeships Work-Based Learning Guidance
- Supplement AP2 - Apprenticeship Subcontracting Requirements
- Supplement AP3 - Integrated End Point Assessment Policy
- Supplement AP4 - End Point Assessment Fair Access Policy
- Supplement AP5 - End Point Assessment Conflict of Interest Policy
- Supplement PL1 - Guidance on the Certification of Placements
- Supplement PS1 - Requirements for Distance Delivery Partnerships
- Supplement PS2 - Requirements for Articulation Arrangements
- Supplement PS3 - Requirements for Foundation Degree Progression
- Supplement PS5 - Requirements for initiation and cessation of progression arrangements between Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC) and Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
- Supplement CP1 - Academic Partnerships supplementary guidance
- Supplement CP2 - Collaborative Academic Lead guidance
- Supplement CP3 - Requirements for withdrawal and teach-out of School-based collaborative arrangements
- Supplement CP4 - Guidance for Designing Joint or Double Taught Degrees
- Supplement CP5 - Guidance for Designing a Dual Taught Degree
- Supplement CP6 - Requirements for Joint, Double and Dual Doctoral Award Collaborations
- Supplement CP7 - Requirements for Monitoring and Reporting Validation Service Collaborations
- Supplement CP8 - Requirements for Withdrawal and Teach Out of Validation Service Collaborations
Relevant sections (11-17)
- Section 12 - Course Design - Requirements Policy under review for 2024/25.
- Section 14 - Learning and Teaching - Requirements Section 14 has been republished whilst the review and rewriting of Section 12 is underway.
- Supplement 15A - Grade Based Marking Descriptors
- Supplement 15B - Board of Examiners Requirements
- Supplement 15C - Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer
- Supplement 15D - Assessment Schedule and Feedback Plan: Exemplar
- Supplement 15E - Board of Examiners Guidance
- Supplement 15F - Proofreading Guidance
- Supplement 15G - Requirements for the Use of Turnitin
- Supplement 15H - Personal Exam Plans
- Section 16 A - Common Assessment Regulations for Bachelor's and Integrated Master's Degrees - Requirements
- Section 16 B - Common Assessment Regulations for Foundation Degrees - Requirements
- Section 16 C - Common Assessment Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Degrees - Requirements
- Section 16 D - Principles for Drafting Non-Degree Course Regulations - Requirements
- Section 16 E - Common Assessment Regulations for Online Postgraduate Degrees (Wiley) - Requirements
- Section 16 F - Common Assessment Regulations for Higher National Awards - Requirements
- Section 17 A - Notification of Extenuating Circumstances Policy - Requirements
- Section 17 B - Academic Appeals Process - Requirements
- Section 17 C - Academic Integrity - Requirements
- Section 17 D - Procedure for Investigating Alleged Research Misconduct - Requirements
- Section 17 E - Student Complaints Procedure - Requirements
- Section 17 F - Research Degrees Complaints and Appeals Procedures - Requirements
Get in touch
For queries about the Quality Handbook, please contact us by email at cadq.enquiries@ntu.ac.uk.
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