This is NTU. This is University, reimagined.
We’re creating the university of the future.
A university that invites, includes, and listens — where partnerships are valued, knowledge is shared, and opportunities are accessible for everyone.
A university where learning is tied directly into industry needs: where each award and accolade is an endorsement of our everyday teaching standards, values, and methods.
A university that disrupts the status quo; that dares to ask the challenging questions, in the name of insight and progress.
A university where research is applied and not abstract — where it supports teaching, delivers meaningful answers, and improves real lives in real time.
A university with the power and the purpose to transform, creating better people and not just better graduates.
The university of the future is a project for the present, built on six core principles. Here’s how those principles work at NTU.
1. Creating Opportunity
Through pursuing personalisation of student experience above and beyond expectations, every student has the potential to develop the knowledge, skills and resilience they seek to create meaning and purpose in their lives. Our global community of lifelong learners has access to flexible courses of equal quality to our celebrated campus provision. Our delivery of social mobility through parity of outcomes has bestowed international recognition.

- We will weave face-to-face and digital provision seamlessly into all our programmes so students can plot their own routes through our courses.
- We will engender a lifelong learning habit such that students and alumni from every background value their connection with NTU and contribute to its global community in the knowledge it will help them respond to their ever changing careers.
- We will apply a model of continuous innovation to create, seek, pilot, implement and promote new methods of delivery of education.
- We will create an unparalleled professional service infrastructure with the capacity and agility to support a portfolio that is ever changing in its pursuit of the most outstanding student experience offered within UK higher education.
2. Valuing Ideas
We have defined, resourced, and promoted a compelling portfolio of world-class research and innovation. We have created new ways for collaborators to share in the spirit of creativity and curiosity that characterises our research, scholarship, and practice.

- We will focus our attention on challenges that are as relevant to our stakeholders locally and regionally as they are of global concern, partnering with outstanding institutions that share our aspirations and recognise our contributions.
- We will transform our international reputation through shaping a research narrative based on excellence and impact that generates esteem, stimulates collaboration and establishes opportunities.
- We will extend our collaboration with scholars, partners and other stakeholders through original deployment of new technology.
- We will accelerate our performance in commercialisation and consultancy to share our insights in ways that benefit our partners, our society and our University.
3. Enriching Society
We are a widely acknowledged force for good in economic, social and cultural development. We collaborate with those who like us want to address the key challenges of our times and our places.

- We will consolidate our position as a leading civic university through developing more and better structured opportunities for our students, colleagues and alumni to make meaningful contributions to the challenges faced by our local communities.
- We will challenge our own assumptions about our roles and relationships in providing education and skills as a route to social cohesion within and beyond our hinterland, thus enhancing our reputation as one of the UK’s most constantly intriguing universities.
- We will make an exemplary contribution in harnessing the creativity of our students and our colleagues to increase the reach, diversity and recognition of City, County and the wider region’s arts and heritage.
- We will champion and support enterprises large and small to optimise their access to the capable leadership, skilled graduates and future facing technologies necessary to thrive.
4. Embracing Sustainability
We have curated an intergenerational conversation with our students, colleagues, and stakeholders and are recognised as the most environmentally responsible University in the UK.

- We will align our activities with the United Nations’ Global Sustainable Development Goals, recognising environmental, social and economic sustainability in a triple bottom line and supporting our partners and suppliers to do the same.
- We will set and meet specific and challenging targets for reducing our environmental footprint and ensure our campuses are exemplars of sustainable practice.
- We will prioritise research that promotes sustainability.
- We will reflect our social responsibility in our curriculum, our partnership with the Nottingham Trent Students’ Union, and our support for social action.
5. Connecting Globally
We have gained renown for our truly global perspective. We are not restricted by borders or boundaries. We work together to deepen and share our insights and understanding of our world for the benefit of the planet and all its inhabitants.

- We will enhance our international partnerships and strengthen our global connectivity through developing and deepening relationships that build on the strengths in our research, scholarship and practice.
- We will expect our colleagues to identify and engage with academics around the world to study, research and publish.
- We will expand chances for our students to meet, learn and play with their international peers.
- We will be the UK’s most welcoming and rewarding environment for students from every community.
6. Empowering People
Distinctive and disruptive, we have empowered people to do the right thing. We have been bold in exploring unfamiliar paths and pursuing novel solutions.

- We will work together openly and honestly to find solutions to challenges, realise our aspirations, and make the most of opportunities for ourselves and for our University.
- We will create diverse and inclusive teams where our principles are clear and lived by.
- We will improve continually our methods for recognising, rewarding and celebrating good performance. We will not accept mediocrity.
- We will develop a comprehensive approach to our collective and individual health and well-being, supporting our people to find ways to deliver that work for them.