Students inspired by Alumni Fellows at Social Science Festivals | Nottingham Trent University
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Students inspired by Alumni Fellows at Social Science Festivals

NTU students were inspired by Alumni Fellows at two festivals in Psychology and Criminal Justice that took place in January and February 2024.

View looking down on students and Alumni Fellows around tables
Students at the Festival of Criminal Justice

NTU’s School of Social Sciences and our Employability team welcomed over 500 students to two special events, The Festival of Psychology and the Festival of Criminal Justice in January and February 2024 respectively.

Both Festivals were supported by 12 Fellows, all highly successful professionals in their field along with employers gave talks, one to one career advice and took part in networking sessions.  It was a great opportunity for students to discover more about career stories and opportunities.

At the Festival of Psychology on 31 January, Fellows Takudzwa Masiiwa, Michelle Coe-Storer, Christina Kent, Maisie Cropley, Rachael Tomlinson, Rebecca Cassidy and Amy Huskisson all shared and advised with our students on what they can do to help improve their opportunities.

Woman in pink jumper
Amy Huskisson of AV Wellbeing Limited.

There were also work insight panel sessions  took place in our lecture theatres and included our alumni who have experience in research and data management, growing your own business and careers in mental health.

Amy Huskisson of  AV Wellbeing said:

“It was fantastic to meet the students and give them the opportunity to see, that often our careers can take many turns and there is no ‘right’ way to reach your goals. I wish them all the luck.”

Male with beard infront of police force emblem
Dominic Underwood from Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commission.

The Festival of Criminal Justice welcomed Alumni Fellows Madison O’Brien, Milly Upshall, Sarah Nobbs, Dominic Underwood and Connor Wilcox. They enthusiastically shared their career insights in the probation services, Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commission, Illegal Money Lending and supporting employers in creating and delivering services.

Madison, Connor and Dominic presented their stories after graduating from NTU in a focused panel session.

Dominic Underwood of Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commission said:

“The festival was a vibrant and energetic event full of keen students who wanted to learn more about the various roles in and around the criminal justice system.

I was very proud and pleased to come back to NTU and provide my insight as an Alumni Fellow.”

Becoming an Alumni Fellow

These alumni are volunteers on our Alumni and Industry Fellowship Programme. If you are NTU alumni and interested in joining the Fellowship Programme, please get in touch

Published on 3 April 2024
  • Subject area: Psychology, sociology, health and social care
  • Category: Alumni; School of Social Sciences
  • Location: City Campus