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Ian Hutton Memorial Moot 2021

On Tuesday 23 March NLS students and friends, watched Daniel Witt take the prize for best overall mooter, and, in a very close-run decision, the respondents as best team.

By Ruth Melling | Published on 29 March 2021

Law Courtroom

After a year’s hiatus caused by last year’s lockdown, Nottingham Law School returned to holding its annual Ian Hutton Memorial Moot on 23 March 2021.

Ian Hutton

Ian, who sadly died prematurely at the age of 47 in 2010, had worked hard to rise above difficult personal circumstances as a child and teenager, initially as a professional actor. He then decided to change career and joined Nottingham Law School as an LLB student, achieving the most outstanding first class degree that had ever been awarded. He went on to obtain a PhD, and then take the BVC. He became a member of the consultant faculty within the Law School and ultimately won a pupillage and then a tenancy at the prestigious Monckton Chambers in London.

As a student Ian had been a keen mooter, and he always took an interest in the development of young people. The annual undergraduate mooting competition takes place in his memory.

The event itself was held online, using a criminal law problem which required competitors to grapple with abuse of process and the law of attempts. Andrew Macnab and Tom Sebastian from Monckton Chambers judged the moot. Danielle St Clair from the Mooting Club ably managed the organisation of the event.

Owen Sparkes and Sophie Clay represented the appellant, and Lea As and Daniel Witt represented the respondent. The audience, made up of NLS students and friends, watched Daniel take the prize for best overall mooter, and, in a very close-run decision, the respondents as best team.

The judges commended all of the mooters for their performance.

We are grateful for the generous support received from event sponsor Monckton Chambers.