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NTU Property, Design and Construction students speak to leading employers at annual jobs fair

Over 90 leading employers came to NTU to showcase their graduate opportunities and network with our students from the School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment.

By Chloe Subitte | Published on 9 November 2018

Categories: Current students; Environment and sustainability; NTU Arts; School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment;

Property, Design and Construction Fair Event

Current students from the Property, Design and Construction subject areas at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) attended an annual jobs fair last week, featuring over 90 employers from the sector.

The event gave our students the opportunity to network, ask questions and have a chat with some of the UK’s leading construction, property and design companies, who were there to showcase their graduate and industrial placement opportunities.

The students also had the opportunity to discuss their CV’s and chat to a large number of NTU alumni and placement students representing companies, and to gain advice on further graduate employment or placements.

We spoke to a number of employers at Aarselff Ground Engineering, one of the country’s leading specialists in driven ground engineering contractors. This included the Marketing and Communications Manager, Jessica Banham. She spoke to us about the values and opportunities these fairs offer, explaining: “Events like this one are really beneficial to students, as it’s a chance for lots of companies in the area to all come together in one central hub.”

She also chatted to us about the benefits of attending employability fairs as a company. She told us: “The job fair has been hugely beneficial to Aarsleff Ground Engineering, we actually met a few students here last year, who we subsequently employed and now they’ve stayed with us through the graduate programme and are fully fledged employees of the business.”

NTU Property, Design and Construction Fair

We also spoke to Hayley Finney, a BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management placement student at Aarsleff Ground Engineering. She gave the students some top tips for impressing employers on the day. Hayley told us: “One of the best ways to impress employers is to dress the part, it’s really important as it’s the first impression you have of the student. Another suggestion I would make is to have plenty of questions prepared and ready to ask at the fair, because it shows the employer that the student is engaged in the company and any potential roles.”

The job fair was an extremely busy and bustling event which was received well by both students and employers representing their companies on the day. Upon reflection of the fair, Jessica Banham told us: “Yet again, another great careers fair delivered by NTU. Reception was good last year but yesterday’s event really takes the crown. The students were polite, engaged, friendly, prepared and forthcoming. It was quite clear to me that students had done a lot more company research and had questions in mind which was really great to see”.