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Legal and charitable status

Here you will find information on our legal status, and our status as an exempt charity.

Legal status

The University is a statutory Higher Education Corporation (HEC) established under the Education Reform Act 1988. The University's powers are specified in s124 of that Act.

The University title and degree-awarding powers were granted under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

Charitable status

As a Higher Education Corporation, the University has "exempt charity" status which derives from the Charities Act 1993 (subsequently consolidated in the Charities Act 2011). Exempt charities benefit from charitable status but are not registered with the Charity Commission.

The University is subject to regulation by the Office for Students which, since 1 April 2018, has been the principal regulator of those higher education institutions (HEIs) in England that are exempt charities.

Charitable objects

In accordance with its powers under the Education Reform Act 1988 and the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, the objects of the University are the provision of higher and further education, undertaking research and publishing the results of that research.

In the context of those objects, the University's mission is to deliver education and research that shape lives and society.

Constitutional documents

The main constitutional documents of the University are its Instrument and Articles of Government (PDF, 77KB).

The current Articles came into effect on 1 August 2011. For reference, the previous version of Instrument and Articles of Government (PDF, 229KB) (with a note of the changes approved by the Privy Council) is available.


The members of the University's Board of Governors are also the Trustees of the University for the purposes of charity law.

View charity trusteeships held by members of the Board of Governors (PDF, 57KB).

Nottingham Trent Students' Union

The University's relationship with Nottingham Trent Students' Union is governed by a Relationship Agreement (PDF, 577KB), which incorporates the Code of Practice required under Section 22(3) of the Education Act 1994.

Financial statements

As part of its regulatory obligations, the University publishes its fully audited Financial Statements on an annual basis.

Access copies of financial statements.

Title and correspondence address

The University's official legal title is the Nottingham Trent University. It is also known informally as NTU.

The University's correspondence address is:

Nottingham Trent University
50 Shakespeare Street

Queries relating to constitutional and charity-related matters should be addressed to Governance Services at the above address.

Office for Students Ongoing Conditions of Registration 2023/24

The University publishes its compliance map of the Office for Students ongoing conditions of registration on an annual basis.

View the Office for Students Ongoing Conditions of Registration.