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Annie smiling at the camera inside NTU's Arkwright building


United Kingdom
The course staff are incredibly supportive, and they always give feedback when asked. They’re easy to talk to and to get along with and have made my university experience so much easier to enjoy with their continuous support.

More about Annie

Why NTU…

Why did you choose NTU and your course?

I was initially interested in Nottingham Trent University due to the student-friendly lifestyle Nottingham City has to offer. As this drew my interest, researching the course I wanted to study made choosing this university easy. As an Architectural Technology student on a Sandwich route, I have the opportunity to also go on a placement in my time of study. That prospect, as well as the course being triple-accredited, made me end up choosing NTU. When comparing this course to other universities across the country, this one gave me a better chance at pursuing a successful career after graduating.

What do you think about the course staff? How do they support your learning and university experience?

The course staff are incredibly supportive, and they always give feedback when asked. They’re easy to talk to and to get along with and have made my university experience so much easier to enjoy with their continuous support.

Does the “real” NTU match what you’d imagined? How does it compare with your friends’ experience at other universities?

I imagined NTU to be more like my past educational experiences but it was so much better. At NTU you have a lot more freedom, and especially in my course the staff creates a more fun and welcoming environment for all the students to hone their potential.
I have friends in Leeds and Sheffield and their experience in University has been a little different as they have very exam-based courses whereas mine is more portfolio based.

How would you promote NTU to potential students in 10 words or fewer?

A place to start your academic journey to success.

Outside of the Lecture Theatre…

Did you find it easy to make friends and settle in at NTU?

When starting at NTU, everyone is in the same situation and is open to making friends. For my course we had a ‘welcome week’ where we had a week getting to know everyone and to settle in.

The Next Steps…

What’s next for you after NTU?

I hope to secure a job in a well-known firm, working on a variety of projects that will help build on my current knowledge from university.

How is NTU helping you to achieve your career goals?

On my course, we have a module where they help us prepare CVs, Cover letters and Portfolios which makes the process of applying for placements a lot less stressful.


What top tips would you give anyone thinking about studying your course at NTU?

My biggest advice would be to never be afraid to show your work or ask questions to your tutors. Receiving advice always betters your work and is a great learning experience.

Still need help?

+44 (0)115 941 8418
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