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Amanda Thompson

Amanda Thompson

Head of Personalisation and Experiential Learning

Nottingham Business School

Staff Group(s)
Department of Human Resource Management


Amanda Thompson is a member of the leadership team at Nottingham Business School (NBS). She is responsible for responsible for ensuring that all NBS students optimise their academic, personal and professional development and benefit from a personalised university experience. A core aspect of her role is deepening and widening experiential learning, within and beyond the curriculum, to give all students valuable exposure to work and/or work life experiences, and continuing professional development opportunities to develop skills and behaviours that matter to future employers. Amanda leads a team of dedicated and talented academics involved in designing and delivering a portfolio of personal development modules at all levels and unique opportunities modules including study abroad and an enterprise project in conjunction with The Hive, NTU’s innovation centre. She also leads on developing and operationalising the School’s approach to student engagement, academic mentoring, industry mentoring and alumni relations. Amanda’s subject specialism is HRM, in the early stages of her career she worked as an HR practitioner before entering the education sector. She has worked in both Further Education and Higher Education and has amassed a wealth of experience in curriculum design and development, teaching, learning and assessment. Since 2010 Amanda has worked in senior managerial roles in Higher Education.

Career overview

Amanda’s subject specialism is HRM, in the early stages of her career Amanda worked as an HR practitioner before becoming a lecturer. She has worked in both Further Education and Higher Education and has amassed a wealth of experience in curriculum design and development, teaching, learning and assessment. Since 2010 Amanda has worked in managerial roles in Higher Education.

Prior to joining NTU Amanda was Head of the Department of HRM and Head of the Department of Corporate Development at Leicester Business School, De Montfort University. In the first of these roles Amanda led strategic developments in the portfolio of HRM programmes within the School and was responsible for teaching and learning, resourcing, quality assurance, professional body accreditation and the overall quality of the student experience.

In her role as Head of Corporate Development she worked with colleagues across the Business School to design and deliver bespoke short courses and accredited programmes for a wide range of corporate clients.

In the early part of her career Amanda worked as an HR practitioner in the automotive industry and in financial services before becoming a lecturer and CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) programme leader in the early 1990s. She has a wealth of experience in designing and developing curricular for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education programmes and has taught and assessed students at all levels. Since 2010 Amanda has held leadership team roles in Higher Education.

Research areas

Amanda has researched and written on a number of HRM / ER themes including employee reward, employment relations in SMEs and the changing role of Healthcare Assistants in the NHS. She is currently undertaking a doctorate, exploring how men working part-time in managerial and professional occupations construct and reconstruct masculinity.

Please visit the NTU Doctoral School website for information on doctoral research opportunities at NBS.

External activity

Amanda is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD (Charetered Institute of Personnel and Development). She holds three national roles with the Institute; examiner for HRM in Context, Quality Assurance Panel Chair and Regional Extenal Moderator for CIPD Awarded Centres at level 7.


Edited Books

Beardwell, J and Thompson, A, (Eds.) (2014), HRM: A Contemporary Approach, 7th Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.

Book Chapters

Thompson, A, ‘Human Resource Management and the Labour Market’ in J. Beardwell and A. Thompson (Eds.) (2014), HRM: A Contemporary Approach, 7th Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.

Thompson, A and Ryan, A, ‘Employee Reward’ in J. Beardwell and A. Thompson (Eds.) (2014), HRM: A Contemporary Approach, 7th Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.

Claydon, T and Thompson, A, ‘Human Resource Management and the Labour Market’ in J. Beardwell and T. Claydon (Eds.) (2010), HRM: A Contemporary Approach, 6th Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.

Thompson, A, and Ryan, A, ‘Employee Reward’ in J. Beardwell and T. Claydon (Eds.) (2010), HRM: A Contemporary Approach, 6th Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.

Claydon, T and Thompson, A, ‘Human Resource Management and the Labour Market’ in J. Beardwell and T. Claydon (Eds) (2007), HRM: A Contemporary Approach, 5th Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.

Marlow, S and Thompson, A (2007), ‘Growing Pains; Managing the Employment Relationship in Medium Sized Firms’ in Barrett, R and Mayson, S (ed) (2007), HRM and Entrepreneurship; A Handbook, Edward Elgar.

Journal Articles

Clark, I and Thompson, A, (2015) ‘Health Care Assistants; Distributional Losses as a Consequence of NHS Modernization?’, New Technology Work and Employment, 30 (3) pp.209-221.

Marlow, S., Taylor, S. and Thompson, A. (2010) ‘Analysing the shift from the informal to formal employment relations in growing firms’, British Journal of Management, 21 (4) pp.954 – 967.

Conference Papers

Clark, I. and Thompson, A. (2014) ‘Managing Health Care Assistants: The Frontier of Control in NHS Modernization and Skill-Mix Strategies’ International Labour Process Conference, Kings College, London. 7 - 9 April.

Thompson, A (2011),’Part-time Workers or Part-time Men?; Exploring the Interstices of Masculinity, Fragmented Work and Professional Work Status’ CIPD Centres’ Conference, Keele University, 23 - 24 June 2011.

Thompson, A (2010), ‘Men and Flexible Working; The Potency of Masculinity and Occupational Status’, Work, Employment and Society Conference 2010, British Sociological Association, University of Brighton, UK, 7 - 9 September 2010.

Thompson, A (2010), ‘Men, Masculinities and Flexible Working’, International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) Conference 2010, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28 June - 1 July 2010, Plenary paper.

Research into Practice, CIPD series lunch presentation, De Montfort University (24 Nov 2006), ‘Growing pains; Managing the Employment Relationship in Medium Sized Enterprises’.

Marlow, S and Thompson, A ‘Formality and Informality in Medium Sized Enterprises’, Conference paper, ISBE, hosted by University of Glamorgan in association with Cardiff University, Cardiff, 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2006

Thompson, A and Marlow, S ‘Transitions in Labour Management; Managing the Employment Relationship in Medium Sized Enterprises’, Conference paper, Employment Research Unit Conference, Cardiff Business School, 5 - 6 September 2006

Marlow, S and Thompson, A ‘Growing pains; Managing the Employment Relationship in Medium Sized Enterprises’, Conference paper, BAM, Belfast, 12 - 14 Sept 2006

See all of Amanda Thompson's publications...