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Health and Wellbeing

We have experts across every academic school who combine their expertise to explore healthy development, ageing, living, working and the pathologies that influence disease.

The current challenges faced by local and global societies regarding health and wellbeing are multifaceted, and they are constantly changing and evolving. These challenges cannot be solved by researchers working in isolation. At NTU, we bring together experts from different disciplines to overcome these barriers and shape the future of healthcare for the better.

Our ground-breaking research delves into the dynamic, and sometimes complicated, interaction between our mind and body. We are also using our findings to understand health and wellbeing in the wider context of communities and society and our discoveries are used to inform and influence policy, health and wellbeing promotion, and healthcare management.

Covering topics ranging from stroke rehabilitation and how to target aggressive cancers, to investigating the benefits of home dialysis and exploring strategies reducing self-harm, the Health and Wellbeing theme at NTU focuses on bringing healthcare to the forefront of national and international policy, and on improving health and wellbeing for all.

Key areas of focus

  • Mechanisms underpinning chronic diseases
  • Cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatment
  • Evaluating health and wellbeing interventions
  • Exercise, diet and health
  • Workplace wellbeing
  • Lived experiences of mental health

Associated Research Centres

The John van Geest Cancer Research Centre

The Centre has a strong research base which aligns to the Health and Wellbeing strategic theme, the Cancer Biology, Immunology and Therapeutics theme and the Biosciences subject area here at NTU.​

Centre for Crime, Offending, Prevention and Engagement (COPE)

COPE contributes to the understanding of victimisation risk and crime harm, the transformation agenda for change in the Criminal Justice System, and community engagement with crime prevention.

Sport, Health and Performance Enhancement Research Centre (SHAPE)

Providing a vibrant research environment to investigate the biological, physical, psychological and societal impact of sport and exercise for health, well-being and human performance

Centre for Systems Health and integrated Metabolic Research (SHiMR)

SHiMR is structured around four themes covering various aspects of human health and chronic diseases, including cancers which are treatable but not curable, diabetes and other inflammatory conditions.

Centre for People, Work and Organizational Practice

The research within the Centre explores the ways in which leadership and HR practices influence employees’ attitudes and behaviours at work.

Centre for Public and Psychosocial Health

This Research Centre brings together a wide range of research excellence in Social Science, including in Public and Population Health, Health and Wellbeing and Employment and Wellbeing.

Centre for Behavioural Research Methods

The Centre for Behavioural Research Methods (CBRM) is an interdisciplinary hub for nurturing, developing and sharing the theory and practice of social science research methods.

Centre for Behavioural Sciences

Research at this centre employs methods from various disciplines to gain deeper insights into human behaviour and decision making.

Centre for Economics, Policy and Public Management

The centre brings together research on economic and policy issues and public management across the whole public sector at international, national, regional and local scales.

Centre for Research in Language, Education and Developmental Inequalities

The Centre for Research in Language, Education and Developmental Inequalities (CLEDI) is an interdisciplinary research centre which aims to understand different perspectives of language and education (at child, family, school, and community levels).

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Interaction

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Interaction (CROS) is an interdisciplinary grouping of researchers from across NTU interested in the phenomenon of social interaction.

Centre for Research in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience

Researchers from the Centre for Research in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience (CRACN) use behavioural and neuroimaging techniques to further fundamental theoretical knowledge of cognitive and neural processes and apply this to understanding performance in everyday tasks.

Research projects

Discover research projects our academics are working on under the theme of Health and Wellbeing.


Researchers at NTU are investigating how individuals interact online in order to understand the impact of new technologies on our health. Through these findings, our researchers are working to reduce the harm caused by online activities.

Re:search Re:imagined

To us, research is about more than writing papers and proposing new ideas. By daring to think differently, we’re disrupting the research landscape and finding the answers to the questions that really matter.