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Showcase 2024 Student Spotlight: Andrea Suenaga Becerra

Student Spotlight featuring BArch (Hons) Architecture student, Andrea Suenaga Becerra and her project, 'Shibui: Ceramics Centre and Atelier'.

Render of a building with silhouettes of people walking in front of it.

Shibui: Ceramics Centre and Atelier by Andrea Suenaga Becerra.

The project

The project embodies the Japanese concept of Shibui: the beauty of simplicity of form and natural materials to create calmness and harmony. The Civic Buildings host artisans, artists, and the public to fully enjoy the Ceramics Centre and Atelier by implementing spaces for thinking, making, and gathering.

The focus relies on creating a simple and captivating atmosphere to allow artists and the general public to appreciate art and deepen connections with each other.

Render of the inside of a building with tall ceilings, large windows and silhouettes of people walking.

The inspiration about the project

The biggest inspiration for the project was James Gorst's New Temple Complex that exudes calmness through simple materials but complex layout and structure. Andrea heavily looked up to Kengo Kuma and Tadao Ando to further develop the genius loci of the place.

Being part of NTU

Andrea's time in NTU was full of experiences that felt like a rollercoaster. In hindsight, she really think I embraced the fear of first year to kickstart her second year with better designs and a risk taker attitude. Without the new mindset Andrea developed thanks to her tutors, peers and other sources in NTU,  she would not have been able to share her ideas in studio sessions just the way she was meant to do from the very beginning.

Render of a rooftop of a building, being viewed from the ground up.

Closing remarks

After long years of study, I can happily say that I am passionate about what I do now. I am eager to step into the next step of my career, because the more you try to do better, the more strategies, layouts, architects, ideas you find. I believe that is why I believe architecture not only enriched my design skills but gave me a strong foundation for other fields making it a complete and well-rounded career.

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