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Glasshouse complex

The suite of glasshouses and polytunnels at our Brackenhurst Campus are a superb facility that allow you to grow and study a huge range of crop types. The glasshouse complex is built to a Venlo design and incorporates the latest features for production horticulture.

Facility tour

Glasshouse complex heatlamps

Glasshouse complex

The glasshouse complex measures 20m x 36m x 4m high, it is divided into six self contained bays with a four metre wide corridor. The environment of each bay is capable of being individually controlled to meet the specific requirements of the crop or research project.

Some of the active research includes assessing the effects of reducing peat in growing media and undertaking growth trials on a range of plants; this could include assessing different horticultural light sources, e.g. LED technology or the use of biostimulants on crop yield and performance.

Polytunnels at Brackenhurst


Our Brackenhurst Campus also includes an array of polytunnels for the production of plants. The polytunnels measure 21.5m x 45.5m x 2.3m high and provide protected cropping environments for hardy nursery plants and teaching areas for practical skills training for students.

Both the glasshouses and the polytunnels serve as practical teaching areas for students, as well as being a useful facility for research projects.

Take a virtual tour