Abi Thompson | Nottingham Trent University
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FdSc Veterinary Nursing student Abi Thompson


United Kingdom
The facilities for this course are amazing! There is a Veterinary Nursing Centre that all the practical sessions are in with a fully functioning operating theatre, x-ray room, and lots more.

More about Abi

Why did you choose to study your course at NTU?

When visiting NTU Brackenhurst Campus, I felt that it was very homely and the veterinary nursing facilities really stood out to me compared to other universities.

What do you enjoy most about your course?

I love the practical aspect of the course learning new knowledge and skills to apply in placements and my future career.

How do you find your modules and what have you most enjoyed studying?

The modules on this course are set out so they are easy to understand and follow. The lecturers are very helpful if there is anything that you are unsure of or struggling with. My favourite module so far is Applied Functional Anatomy.

What do you think about the facilities available on your course and what do you use the most?

The facilities for this course are amazing! There is a Veterinary Nursing Centre that all the practical session are in with a fully functioning operating theatre, x-ray room, anatomically correct teddies, and lots more. There is also an Animal Unit where you will learn correct restraint methods and carry out full clinical exams on each species such as; dogs, cats, guinea pigs, reptiles, rodents etc.

What do you think about Brackenhurst Campus? What do you get up to in your spare time?

Brackenhurst Campus is a lovely, sociable, and rural place to be alongside studying. In my spare time, I study in the library, go to the local gym, and go horse riding.

What is your top tip for someone considering studying/ living at Brackenhurst Campus?

I suggest going to an open day to walk around the campus and see if you can see yourself living there and studying there for the next 3 years. Look at places around the area in Southwell such as nearest shop, doctors, pharmacy, gym, pubs etc. When starting university, join a society so you can make new friends and meet new people.

Have you been involved in any placements, work experience or volunteering as part of your course? If so, what did you do and what did you achieve?

I have carried out a placement as part of my course in first year and I loved it. It’s an opportunity for you to get a feel for the fast-paced environment of a veterinary practice and everything you’ve learnt comes into context. It gives me the motivation to do my studies and graduate so I can get back into practice!

Why would you recommend your course to someone considering studying it?

I would recommend this course as it is such a rewarding career to go into and the facilities and teaching from NTU gives you the opportunity to get there.

What are your plans for after the course and how do you feel your course has/ will help you to achieve that goal?

After the course I am going to be going onto my BSc (Hons) degree and I have an interest in canine behaviour so maybe in the future, specialising in that field.

Still need help?

+44 (0)115 941 8418
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