Accent diversity and the bar | Nottingham Trent University
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Accent diversity and the bar

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In preparation for an ESRC funding application, we want to ensure that our project will best suits the needs of the legal profession so we are organising an online event to give participants more details about the project, the opportunity to give feedback to improve the research and become involved (as a partner, stakeholder or as a member of our advisory board).

Past event

Event details

The results of our recent ‘Accent Discrimination at the Bar’ project showed that the public still hold preconceived ideas about how barristers ‘should’ sound. Furthermore, interviews with barristers suggested that those who speak with a non-standard regional accent still encounter challenges in their ability to enter and progress in their chosen career.

We are planning a more extensive project over 3 years to examine distinct, yet complementary, aspects of accent discrimination with the professions – examining not only perception of accents, but also the effects of having a non-standard accent on recruitment and progression at the Bar in England and Wales.

This event will give you the opportunity to hear more about the project, give you the chance to feed back your thoughts and suggestions and become more involved in the project should you wish to do so.

If you have any further questions or need to cancel your attendance after registering, please contact Natalie Braber.

Virtual Event

Past event

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